I Almost Got A SpongeBob Tattoo

I’m glad that life got in the way

A.X. Bates
3 min readApr 2, 2022


Photo by Thomas Despeyroux on Unsplash

On the day of my tattoo appointment, I was awoken at midnight with the news of a family emergency. I was on a plane by 8 o’clock in the morning.

Why did I want to get a tattoo? I always found (and still do find) tattoo art to be very interesting and I really liked the look of it. And a few days after a breakup, I thought it was time to be a bit more adventurous—try out something new and reinvent my look.

Oh yeah—this was also around the same time I dyed my hair pink.

Anyway, because I do have some conditions that could make my skin more prone to having an allergic reaction, I was only planning on getting a small one (like 2 inches) to test it out—a small SpongeBob tattoo, that is.

Yes—a cute, minimalist doodle drawing of a tiny SpongeBob SquarePants.

I actually made an appointment a week earlier—a few days after I made the decision to get a tattoo—but then stuff kept coming up so I had to reschedule. And then, when I had to fly back to my family, it was postponed again.

I don’t think I’d ever regret getting a SpongeBob tattoo. It’s something fun and it’s an important part of my childhood—not to mention that Tom Kenny and I have the same birthday.

But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that maybe the timing just wasn’t right. I realized that I had a lot more traveling and other things coming up that would make getting a tattoo inconvenient (especially considering that I didn’t know if might get an allergic reaction). Also, I didn’t want to continue wasting the tattoo artist’s time (who, by the way, was super understanding of my situation) as my plans were always changing. I finally decided to cancel the appointment.

It was for the best. I don’t know if a tattoo would really be right for me. I was so caught up in trying to recover from a significant event in my life that I forgot to take my circumstances into consideration and really think through the pros and cons before making such a permanent decision. (I mean, you can’t really get rid of a tattoo once it’s there.)

This whole situation has been a great reminder to be careful making any rash decisions after emotional experiences—especially when it comes to something that could permanently change your body and/or life. What you think you want now in the heat of the moment might not be what you truly want later on. Some decisions need time, and that’s okay.

As for the pink hair—although it looks cool and all that, I’m glad it’s nothing that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Hello there! I’m A.X. — a soon-to-be theatre student in college. Last month, I set a goal of reading at least one play per week and to share my thoughts on each in theatre stuff. There’s so much we can discover and explore through theatre, so I welcome you to follow and join me as I share my insights on the life lessons we can learn from dramatic literature! If you’re interested, here’s something to get you started:



A.X. Bates
Writer for

Words can make a difference. Writing poems about life, society, and coffee. @axybates on Instagram.