Is Your Desire for Enlightenment What’s Holding You Back from Being Enlightened?

Maybe to become enlightened you need to accept that it might never happen

Edward John
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2022


Redhead photo created by benzoix — www.freepik.com

Do you want to become spiritually enlightened? I mean really want it?

If you’re on a spiritual path, the answer is likely “yes”. Otherwise, why bother being on that spiritual path?

But there is a problem. Your desire for enlightenment could be what’s stopping you from becoming enlightened.

One of the key aspects of enlightenment is letting go. Letting go of desire and the need for things to be a certain way. The need to seek happiness and avoid unhappiness.

You are seeking enlightenment because you think it will make your life better. You imagine it will benefit you and/or those around you in some way.

But what if that wasn’t the case? What if becoming enlightened meant letting go of EVERYTHING? Job success, money, friends, happiness, stability. Everything.

It could be that the path to enlightenment is to let go of the need to be enlightened. To make peace with the possibility that it might never happen.



Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom