Magic wonders of life | Writer experience

Rabbit or Turtle to 100 Followers? 3, 2, 1… Go!

My way, or the highway?! The 🐢 race (or the slow steady organic growth)

Lilie Kaizen
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2021


Photo by Rommel Davila on Unsplash

Race to 100 followers: are you a rabbit or a turtle?

100 followers. Like any newbie writer, I strive to reach that milestone.

I see so many articles: “100 followers in less than 1 week, 24 hours, 2 hours! … The fastest, easiest, greatest, ultimate way to 100 followers!” You name it, you will find it.

How are you doing in this race? Are you a rabbit or a turtle?

The 🐢

Slow, steady organic growth. Article by article, one follower at a time. Is that you? I was wondering if I’m the only turtle here… I can’t believe I am the only one. Where are you, friends???

So, I’m sending a call out! Are you one of the turtles? Or maybe you are just curious about the reasons why I would be so crazy to choose this unpopular way. In so, please indulge your curiosity below :)

And while I’m at it, let me apply one of the rabbit techniques: I read that some just plainly ask for followers. Like they say: “Ask and you shall receive…”. Lol, so, against all…



Lilie Kaizen
Writer for

Sharing life experiences through stories, to create a better world, one word at the time :)