Reasons Why You Can Not Write Your Next Article!

Nicholas Tirella
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2022
Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

I wanted to write this article to reach out to struggling writers. I had promised a return to the platform, yet I have failed to deliver. Here is was I am doing to improve productivity and the reasons for my demise.

The main reason I stopped writing because I was demanding too much of myself. I am new to Medium and tried to learn the ins and outs too quick. I started off by producing one article a day for a week. I made it my goal to provide daily content. Sound great! Right? What started to happen was I would miss a day. I would feel like a failure. And then I’d miss two days; and that was it! I missed a recap on a major chess tournament. I thought that if I had missed that, how can I continue without covering it, yet, how can I cover it 2 days after it has ended.

I fell into the ideology that I cannot pick up with where the news is now, without covering what I missed. The problem is the past grows the longer you wait and eventually their is too much to catch up on.

How do I deal with it?

I had been obsolete for 2 months. I finally just had to move on from the past. The best time to write is truly, now! The longer you wait the longer it is to find motivation.

Moving forward, I will create realistic goals and write no matter what I missed. The truth is, we are all trying to find our spot on this platform, and in order to do that we have to build good habits. We cannot trust ourselves to perform the very best without building these habits.

You can probably find other articles on what type of habits to build. So I want to take this time to sympathize with struggling writers.

It’s okay to fall down… Don’t worry, I won’t give you cliche advice that makes no sense.

When you fall out of your habits or even leave writing for multiple months because of a lack of motivation, the most important way to get back. Is to write an article.

That is what I am doing now, you will see, if you look at my profile that I usually write about chess and that’s it! But here I am! In order to get back in my groove, it is important for me to put out any content. Write an article about anything! The truth is, if you are seeing this article you have no clue that I am a chess writer, until I told you. Most writers on here with a small following, like myself, have not built an audience of our own niches, yet.

Therefore, write any article to get you back!

You may even find a new writing passion!

Good luck with your writing, and remember; Just Write.

