The 411 of 411 Years Ago

In 1611, King James and a subject named Shakespeare made news

Walter Rice


Shakespeare Theater in Ashland, Oregon
Photo by Robert Ashworth from Bellingham, WA via Wikimedia Commons

After eight years in the making — including planning, translating and printing setup — the King James Bible was published in 1611.

The committee of translators worked remarkably well together and produced a long-lasting version of the Bible that emphasized dignity, not popularity, reports The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.

With a conservative approach, the grammar looked backward, using forms already going out of style. In contrast, the writing of William Shakespeare was much more modern.

Shakespeare himself was wrapping up his playwriting career in 1611. The Bard’s last solo plays, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest, were performed on stage for the first time that year, according to the Royal Shakespeare Company.



Walter Rice
Editor for

Author of mystery novels and more fiction. Former newspaper editor and reporter. Links: and