100 and Under

The Fun of Fall

Todd Cotner Jr
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2021


photo taken by author
photo taken by the author

The short season here in the Southeastern US is a funny, yet magical time. Summer seems to last forever and before we know it, it's winter. But for a few weeks, we get to experience the best time of the year.

Some of my favorites are:

photo taken by the author
photo taken by the aulthor
  • The weather feels slightly cooler than an air-conditioned house in the summer, yet warm enough to still do activities.
  • The humidity you have had to deal with for 4–6 months gives way to nice breezes and bright colored leaves.
  • Living so close to the Appalachian mountains, you also get amazing views and can take a hike if you get a day to enjoy it.
  • Multiple festivals with corn mazes in the evening and hay rides after dusk.
  • The joys and great tastes of the harvest season. So many great things from the ground you’ve waited months to taste are now in abundance.
  • Thanksgiving in a few weeks. I am already thankful to enjoy that the food I will be eating in a few weeks.
  • The ability to wear clothes with sleeves, or my personal favorite attire of choice, a hoodie with blue jeans.

So I am sure you get a small picture of the excitement I have for the next few weeks. East Tennessee can have some of the best weather, even if it lasts at times for a few hours.

photo taken by the author
photo taken by the author



Todd Cotner Jr

I’m a bar manager who is enjoying the journey of writing again. I am also enjoying reading and interaction with so many great articles.