The No Longer Homeless

In my home

Christine Morris Ph.D.


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

The man I took in from the streets after much persuasion, is learning to live in harmony with me and I with him.

I have bought him a change of clothes, and a thick cardigan. He is easy to please and is protective towards me.

Did I mention that he plays the digital piano like an angel? That’s because he is my angel, sent to look after me and dress the wounds that complications of my disease.

I sleep more soundly again, like when my daughter lived here. I am receiving far more kindness than I have given.

That is how kindness works. Last week, I did not have this diagnosis of all the wounds that must be dressed. This week I do, and he is here.

A big shout out to William J Spirdione, who is so kind and unchanging. Also to Ali who I feel is special.

Gently Pointing in That Direction (What Do You See?) | by William J Spirdione | Write Under the Moon | Jan, 2022 | Medium



Christine Morris Ph.D.

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.