The One Thing That Helped Me Turn My Life Around in 2021

Finding the right person to help

Carrie Kolar
4 min readJan 4, 2022


Image by Natali_Ms from Shutterstock

This may break your mind, but here goes:

2021 was the best year for me.

No, I did not win the lottery. No, I did not suddenly make millions in crypto or have my business explode. And no, I did not find the love of my life (already achieved :D).

None of those. And I know that the last two years (we’re coming up on two flipping years) have been insanely hard for just about everyone.

But 2021 was wonderful for me.

It’s the year I got my life back.

When Your Life Seems Frozen In Carbonite

Do you have something in your life that’s just putting a big, gigantic roadblock in front of any progress? Something you desperately want to change?

I did.

Due to some personal history, I had (and am still recovering from) severe Complex PTSD. It was, in a word, bad. And when shit went really south in 2018, I spent the next two years with my life functionally frozen in carbonite.

I couldn’t work. I couldn’t get stressed at all. I couldn’t watch new tv, see new movies, or read new books — the best case scenario was me twitching on the floor.

The worst case scenario? A part of my mind would do its damndest to dissociate, take over control of my body and make me kill myself.

Not a great scene, altogether.

Entering 2021: Shit Gets Woo-Woo

Sometimes, you’re in a situation that you can’t get out of by yourself. And when that happens, one of the best things you can do is find someone who can help.

On my end, I had doctors, a great therapist, but my recovery was going nowhere.

And then I met Solera.

Sidenote — buckle in, my dudes. We’re about to get woo-woo.

(If you aren’t a huge fan, I totally get it. My husband thinks it’s all hooey. No worries over here).

Solera is someone I met in a fairly woo-woo women’s entrepreneur Facebook group. She’s a channel. She channels spirit guides. And when I first saw her comment in the group, I was like lol yeah, sure. Skeptical AF, over here.

Buuuut, I kept seeing her comments, and something resonated with me. I was, as previously mentioned, making no progress in my recovery. I was interested in maybe having a session with her, because fuck it, at this point I will try ANYTHING.

I decided to read her books first, and I was like huh. They’re channeled from the Guides, and the Guides were saying similar things to many spiritual leaders that I follow.

Just snarkier, which I appreciated.

So I had my first session with her. I told her my situation, and she channeled the Guides. They gave me a very simple exercise to do every day and told me to watch Frozen a lot, because apparently early-movie Elsa and I had a lot in common.

After three months of doing their exercises (and bingeing Frozen, which I am about), I was watching Bridgerton. Ten months later, I’ve watched movies, read books, just finished Season 2 of the Witcher, and am writing on Medium.

I’m not 100% better yet. We’re still working on some things.

But I have gotten get my life back.

Takeaway: Find Someone Who Can Help

I’m not here to tell you to run off and talk to spirit guides. Not my message. What I am saying is that when I couldn’t make any progress on my own, I found someone who could help me.

A lot of us have a “do-it-yourself, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps” mentality. You try and try and try to move the roadblock in your life yourself, but sometimes you just can’t do it on your own.

The key thing that turned my life around in 2021 was finding someone who could help me. And whether your issue is with health, business, money, anything — you can find someone too.

There are so many smart, talented, experienced people in the world who are willing to share what they know and guide you around the barriers and stops in your life.

Find a mentor. Find a teacher. Find a guide. Just because you don’t know how to fix something, doesn’t mean no one does.

Luke had Obi-Wan. Frodo had Gandalf. I had Solera.

Find your guide, my friends.

Here’s to your happy, healthy, successful 2022.



Carrie Kolar

Personal development, personal finance, and living your best life. Also cool new science and tech, because we live in the future.