The Twit That Could Not Tweet

Ilis Trudie Palmer
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2022
the twitter symbol, that of a tiny bird positioned as if tweeting
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

A tiny tweet,
not even a tweet but a twit, so small was it,
send out to find a home in Kingdom of Twitter
who’s king and master was at war with Mars God;

The little twit held back,
not desiring to be placed in a place that wasn’t safe,
it was all dressed, sharp and new
coat gleaming white, eyes shining and bright
ready for flight
but not ready to fight;

It gazed into the murky waters of Twitterland
looking at many twits, twats and twiddles swimming ‘round,
drowning in a bottomless pit
of words, ideas and wit;

It was too much
easy to be lost in so much,
little twit drew back, shaking its head
took off its clothes
and went to bed instead.

© Ilis Trudie Palmer 2022
One Love
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Get your copy of Poetry for Misinterpretation today.

I am author to two books of tiny stories, Chronicles of an Awakening Soul (2021) and Let the Sun Shine on My Face (2022); both are available here.



Ilis Trudie Palmer

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric.