Thirty Lessons I Learned In My 30th Year

A cheat sheet.

Chelsea Mancini
2 min readFeb 10, 2022


the number 30 in gold foil balloons against a yellow wall
Photo by Johannes W on Unsplash

Some of these are highly unique to me. Some of them are broad and all-encompassing. All of them felt important enough to share.

1.Surrender to divine timing.
2. (Re: #1) The universe knows better than you.
3. You need to be open to receiving.
4. Believe that you have your own back more than anyone.
5. Allow the people who want to support you to do so.
6. Anger doesn’t mean you’re not safe.
7. Anger doesn’t have to mean loneliness.
8. Joy and love are always available.
9. It may be the best possible option to choose to live an ordinary life in an unordinary way.
10. There is great pleasure in simplicity.
11. It might look different than you imagined, and that isn’t a bad thing.
12. It can be better than you imagined.
13. Human connection is necessary.
14. Instead of trying to escape, engage.
15. Resistance doesn’t always mean you’re going the wrong way.
16. You know everything you need to know to handle things the way they are at this moment. Everything else you need to know you will know when you need to know it.
17. Joy is the way forward.
18. If there is no joy, sound the alarm and find some.
19. After pain there is always joy. The next good thing is always coming.
20. What’s the point in asking for it if you don’t take the time to receive it fully.
21. You don’t have to keep carrying the things you never chose to carry in the first place. You can put them down.
22. It’s okay to not have all the answers. Even though it feels like you will certainly die — you will not.
23. It’s hard to do hard things. This is okay.
24. There is literally no finish line so stop rushing.
25. You’re not here to keep the peace at the expense of your own.
26. Home can be anywhere, with anyone, or with just yourself.
27. It’s a lot easier if you just don’t ignore your intuition.
28. Boring is okay sometimes.
29. Spending all your money won’t make you not feel lonely.
30. You have to keep choosing joy. Even when it feels hard. Even when you don’t think you want to. You have to keep choosing it. And you have to let it choose you.

Chelsea is a writer, speaker, tarot reader, and intuitive life coach. She helps her clients transcend fears and limiting beliefs and bring more confidence and intention to their life.

For information on working with Chelsea, head here. To be added to the waitlist for her masterclass Reconnect With Your Intuition head here.



Chelsea Mancini

Tarot reader, Intuitive Coach, Writer, Speaker. I coach women to transcend their fears and limiting beliefs and live with confidence and intention.