What if it

Evolve November Poetry Competition

Maria Luisa Palma
Nov 17, 2021


Photo by mododeolhar from Pexels

Should I say it?
If I write it
Once I do it
No turning back

It will be there
Carved forever
A clear window
Into my soul

They may see me
Deep inside me
They might know me
The covers off

Once I tell it
I won’t own it
We will share it
And disagree

Will they love me
Or abhor me
Does it matter
When I can sing?

The worst story
Would be knowing
That they saw me
And looked away



Maria Luisa Palma
Writer for

Contrarian, Critic, Disruptor. All my edges are sharp but I love a good laugh. Advocate for independent thought. General misfit known for ongoing rants.