What If Your “Bad Day” Is Bigger Than What’s Going On With You?

I reflect often. And as a true writer, here’s the result of it

Danielle Monique
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2021


photo courtesy of Author

Yesterday was not a good day.

It started off well, then things just went downhill.

I kept re-centering my thoughts to try to focus on the positive, but

Dammit if Situation and Circumstance didn’t just take over and keep throwing shit my way.

(Sorry if you don’t like curse words. I try to avoid them in my writing for people like you.

But when they fit the context, they get used.

You’re safe now. That’s the only one.)

I did my morning gratitude walk.

I had my morning cup o’Joe while the baby was having her morning nap.

I stretched and extended it to a light yoga session.

I focused on breath and all that is well with my life.

Still, there seemed to be some invisible cloud. Something was tugging on me in the opposite direction, saying, “Not today.”
It both persisted and won.

It would not be defeated.

Even when I treated myself to a cute vegan bistro on my way home, the nagging feeling…



Danielle Monique
Writer for

I write to get it out of my head. I publish for you to enjoy. New-mom. Paid & hobby writer. Life geek. World traveler. mindovermothering dot com