Why Community Matters

In response to Coffee Challenge: I am pro the shout out movement

Christine Morris Ph.D.
2 min readDec 3, 2021


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

This is a great challenge by Winston of the Coffee Times! I have shouted out for people in my writing several times in my six weeks here.

Shouting out for someone, like KiKi Walter, introduces their writing to others. We spread that which we enjoy, or find educational, descriptive, or affirming. I also enjoy Christina DeFeo, she is from Brooklyn, which I guessed when reading the first article I came across by her.

My reading on Medium is very mixed, like my writing. I read poetry, humor, journals, essays, about places and and cities. I write on some of these topics and also about values and a meaningful life.

Ravyne Hawke is one of my favorite publishers. Her generosity with her time is huge. I find her authenticity to be humbling.

So, I shout out for people because I like their writing. I don’t do it to get claps. All the people I have mentioned are quality writers. So far no one has shouted out for me, but as I’m new I am not surprised. I get mentioned in the news of publications. That’s good because I discover more people to read.

A good writer reads more than they write

I tend not to follow publications as it fills up my notifications too much and my homepage becomes unmanageable.

Here is a great piece by Esteban Giancaterino:

Lying. Sighing Words |



Christine Morris Ph.D.

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness. ko-fi.com/SharingWords.