Sevval Uslu
Evreka — Always Better
3 min readJun 18, 2020

First of all, please keep in mind that your CV is the very first reflection of your self-brand. Do not underestimate the power of your CV while you are looking for an internship or a full-time position. It can open new doors to you and excite the HR Responsible while evaluating your profile. Believe it or not, if you want to have “At first glance, it impressed me” CV is the only way for you. Let’s begin!


  • Readable and straightforward: Not only with the sentence structure, but also it is about design, font, size, colored parts, and the content that you put into it. Make your spaces between the parts in a consistent way. Do not do it randomly. Do not forget that it is a representation of yourself! Please pay attention to the plan and organize it. It is probably the first requirement of the HR Manager to be able to read your CV in an organized way both verbally and in writing. Please pay attention to upload your CV as PDF.
  • Career Goal/ Objective: Answer these questions: Who are you? What can you offer to the company? What is your career plan? Put it at the top, it should be read just after your contact information. 3–4 sentences are enough for explaining the objective. If you are a fresh graduate it is the best place to show recruiters that you are a promising candidate among others.
  • Length: So cliche yet still valid. Maximum 2 pages. Do not add anything that does not belong to you! It may cause a legal problem and if the recruiter asks a question from there, it will be embrassing for you. Be honest about yourself.


  • Reverse chronological order is a good choice. It gives the reader a simple way.
  • The institution, Field, Degree, and Year of Graduation should be your structure.
  • Put your details if you have any that might help you to shine. Like “Ranked 1st among Class2020”


  • In a reverse chronological way, expressing what you do for that experience. Use bullets doing it. Do you know power words that will raise your CV more and more? Here are some of them: improved, optimized, managed, reduced, developed, supported, presented, negotiated.
  • If it starts over 2 pages, it is the time to remove your internship experience from your CV. (for experienced persons)
  • Your impact on that experience should be highlighted via “power words”

Qualifications & Skills:

  • Languages and levels of them, tools that you can use, technical skills should not be forgotten, and you can add your personal skills as well. Your interests can be added to this session.

Review and Check it Again for every application time:

  • Grammar
  • Alignment
  • Colour balance
  • Font (Fonts tell more than you think, find the true one for you!)

For every part of the job-seeking process, do not underestimate the power of CV! It can play a major role in your future career path!



Sevval Uslu
Evreka — Always Better

Believing the power of words to spread the world! HR Generalist of Evreka!