Why Is Recycling Sustainable?

Evreka — Always Better
2 min readNov 12, 2020

Recycling is the collection and conversion process of waste materials into new, raw materials. The examples of recycled waste materials are undeniably surprising. Did you know that motor oils can be recycled?

Sustainability in every aspect of the business process is sought after by the leading companies. Sustainability for the environment and sustainability for profits are both critical. Recycling serves both of them.

Why Is Recycling Sustainable

Side effects of conventional ways of waste management, such as incineration are eliminated. Recycling decreases the carbon footprint. Prevents pollution caused by extracting new raw materials and cuts carbon emissions. This is just one of the nature-focused sustainability advantages of recycling. There is more to it!

Energy means everything in terms of production cost. Companies focus on lowering the costs associated with energy consumption. What is undoubtedly promising is the fact that recycling saves energy up to 95%. Recent studies show that making paper from pulped recycled paper uses 40% less energy than virgin wood fibers.

Not only the companies are involved with recycling, but also society plays a significant role. Making the world a more liveable place is only possible when humanity acts responsibly. Reducing consumption thus wastes, making sure about the reusability of products, and properly recycling are the three main principles. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

These principles could be integrated into businesses as well. There is a major responsibility for waste management companies. They need to make their processes more sustainable and by doing so, contribute to the sustainable environment. Thanks to the latest technologies, business processes are much easier to sustain.

Sustainability Recycling

We recommend you follow the link below if you would like to learn more about different examples of recyclable materials, sustainable recycling benefits, the latest technological solutions, and which industry saves 95% of energy by using recycling.

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Evreka — Always Better

Evreka is a leading SaaS company providing the most comprehensive intelligent solution designed for the entire category of waste management across the globe.