A Tinder-like service that matches startups and job seekers

Elizabeth Lvova
Evrone Notes
Published in
Mar 31, 2021

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) is the largest Russian venture capital fund. It assists digital and technology startups, at the idea and MVP stages, by providing investments for rapid growth. At first, IIDF’s own team developed the product as an internal service. After testing the hypotheses, they decided to turn it into a full-fledged recruitment app. To do this, they needed a team with experience that could build HRM software through hypothesis-driven development.

They turned to Evrone for help creating a platform for finding a startup co-founder or team members. In 3 months, we developed a complete web application and also tested customer scripts to make sure that all functions worked as expected for hypothesis testing. Read the full case study here.

