Asking is the new giving: developing the Quiv digital charity platform

Maria Deltsova
Evrone Notes
Published in
Jun 4, 2021

Donating to charities is a part of American life. According to Giving USA’s annual report, American individuals, estates, foundations, and corporations gave an estimated $427.71 billion to U.S. charities in 2018. Although these numbers are huge, Amit Shafrir felt that they could grow even more if the sector capitalized on the advantages of using new internet technologies. So, the seasoned entrepreneur and tech leader investigated how to use information technology in fundraising to help people donate to charities in a more meaningful way.

Being an entrepreneur himself, Amit knew how valuable it can be to pick an expert’s brain and get a piece of useful advice, a reference, or a connection. He decided to tie this opportunity together with a fundraising platform for charities, and so Quiv was born.

Learn more about the Quiv platform development.

