Should you use Go to develop your project in 2022? Interview with the Singula team

Elizabeth Lvova
Evrone Notes
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2022

Because of their scalable structure, microservices are quickly becoming one of the most popular software architectures. Over 85% of senior engineers and management anticipate that the use of microservices in complex systems and back-end development will become the norm.

The microservices trend will be rising in 2022. Are microservices suitable for your project, though? Should you seek the assistance of Go/Golang developers for your tasks?

To answer these questions, we interviewed Antony Cherepanov, the Sales Executive at the Singula team. We hope you enjoy the interview and find answers to most of your questions.

The Interview

Evrone: What is Golang, and what can it be useful for?

Antony: Go is a secure, concurrent language that is popular with businesses like Google, Netflix, Uber, Docker, and Hashicorp. It is especially well suited for building high-performance distributed systems and microservices. Our engineers are enthusiastic about using Go’s performance and safety capabilities to enhance both new and ongoing projects.

We target iOS, Linux, and Windows with Go for both client-side and server-side apps. Furthermore, the abundance of trustworthy open-source tools and frameworks available for Go allows us to concentrate on completing projects rather than having to keep inventing the wheel.

Evrone: What is microservice architecture?

Antony: A single application can be divided into a number of smaller services using the microservices architecture development technique. Each of these services runs in its own process and communicates with one another via simple protocols.

Business capabilities are taken into consideration when designing microservices, which can be independently deployed via an automated deployment mechanism. Microservices architecture requires minimum maintenance of the services created utilizing various programming languages and data storage methods.

Evrone: Why do many people say that Golang is perfect for writing microservices?

Antony: The combination of Go and microservices is the best. Here are the main benefits of developing Golang microservices for your company: high performance, readability, maintainability, and speed.

Go is a straightforward language that is simple to learn, which is possibly the finest quality in terms of business operations for a programming language. Golang’s syntax is rather simple and hasn’t seen many substantial modifications over the years. Code written in Go is transparent and simple to understand because there is no need to learn new paradigms.

Go is hence a great choice for cloud computing systems, microservices, backends, and other applications.

Golang compiles more quickly than the majority of other languages, saving developers’ and company owners’ time and money. And the performance of Go is also really good.

Evrone: Where do companies usually use Golang microservices?

Antony: For example, in the development of:

  1. Digital platforms

Digital platforms offer a standardized set of characteristics that hasten application development and hasten the rollout of solutions. They frequently need high levels of scalability and dependability, which Golang 100% offers.

2. Online booking

The ability to purchase services and make payments for them using the web or mobile applications is provided by the online booking system, which enables enterprises to expand their operations. These systems need the highest levels of scalability, dependability, and system integration to function as part of daily operations. Why not develop your code in Golang, given the capabilities it provides for microservices?

3. E-commerce

Page load times, scalability problems, and website availability, such as during significant promotions, are concerns faced by e-commerce startups, and large corporations. To address these issues, Golang is frequently utilized.

4. Payments processing

Stability and automated recovery are essential with 24/7 global operations since every stage in the payment processing pipeline calls for the lowest latency that Golang can offer.

5. Streaming

It is easy to create a streaming service that is simple to install and offers the best performance thanks to protocols like Golang’s HLS. The most widely used file formats and encodings are supported. Speed is a major benefit of language streaming, particularly when it comes to live streaming. Live streaming is impossible without a seamless transition between encoding, decoding, and packaging video and audio. Go executes each of these tasks without a hitch, enabling the user to have a high-quality experience without interruptions.

Evrone: Could you give any examples of the projects you build in Go?

Antony: Sure! For instance, we provided Go developers for a huge marketplace, who worked together with a strong and well-coordinated in-house team for the project. Our task was to work on the search backend for that marketplace and develop several microservices for other parts of the project. High-functioning eCommerce search engines are critical for marketplaces — this includes not only the search for a product itself, but also search suggestions, identifying suitable categories, ranking, and collecting analytics for search queries.

The client was happy with how we handled the Go and microservices development, and we also were thrilled to take part in the development and launch of such a promising project.


We would like to thank Antony for such an interesting interview and for sharing his knowledge on building projects in Go with the community. We hope that this article helps you to get a better understanding of the benefits of using Go in the development of your project.

