Member-only story
Fair and square mathematics of war
In which everything loses it’s value
A shiny golden kitty is waving its right hand at me. It’s one of those anxiety-inducing Japanese toys or, maybe, some people find this fast paw motion to be meditative. I don’t, but it’s the only tool of repetitive chaos in this, otherwise, calm and slightly lethargic cafe. A power outage is scheduled at 2 pm, and I hate being at home when electricity goes off. It’s as if something breaks — a plate falls and silently disintegrates into pieces, and no kintsugi can bring my tiny world to repair, to balance until the electricity comes back and I feel wholesome again. I’m homo electricicus, and without electricity, I’m just a lonely, incomplete homo.
Yesterday I drank too much wine, and I shouldn’t drink wine at all because I have histamine intolerance and it makes me sick and gives me loose stools the next day. Today is the next day and soft bowel movement arrived as per usual. This is my life. I didn’t drink wine because I felt happy. I drank it to escape, but my body allows me no easy exits. Face it, reflect it and don’t drink it away. I follow that recommendation, actually, most of the time, and it’s a very rare sight to see me…