How To Do User Setting / Software Config Management In Database

Tú Phạm - Tony
Eway Engineering
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2019

There are a lot of mechanisms to do Config / Setting Management, sometimes you store it in a file, sometimes in the database based on a following short table:

For example, if you want to store numerous settings of each user in the database, there are three simple ways to do it.

Option 1: Embed setting values on user table


  • Deadly simple.
  • Easy to maintain.


  • Need to alter table every time you have a new setting.

Option 2: One Setting Table Only


  • Can handle many options.
  • Easy to add a new setting.


  • More complex.
  • Because setting_value is a field with a fixed data type, you need to setting_data_type field to help applications determine the real type of data.

Option 3: Each Setting In Separate Table


  • Easy to split a complex feature numerous smaller => Easy to maintain.


  • Much more complex.
  • Need to alter the table every time you have a new setting.

Here are my minimum requirements:

  • The database store config data must be RDBMS (Say no with NoSQL) because of the below advantages: more mature, more common, database security, data manipulation, data schema, data constraints, data integrity, backup and recovery, etc ...
  • Each column of the config table must identify by a RIGHT data type, int / float / long / char / varchar / text / etc …
  • If you have more setting group (user, service, payment, etc …) that need more centralize into setting groups and need more restricted that not allow set ANY value into system.



Tú Phạm - Tony
Eway Engineering

Ceo @AdFlex, ex CTO @ Eway, Co-founder of DYNO, Google Developer Expert on Cloud Platform