Comparison of Hosting Types:
Dedicated Server and Virtual Private Server

Ashok Arora
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2018


Both Virtual private server and dedicated server hosting’s having their own pros and cons. Similarly, they have their own distinct features which segregate one type of hosting from another. Here is a brief comparison of both hosting.

VPS Hosting Definition:

Virtual private server is a virtual server which is like dedicated server with less budget and but shared in between small no. of users. VPS hosting always involves hosting multiple websites on the same server, but the hypervisor prevents one website from other to create any type of trouble.

Dedicated Server Hosting Definition:

Dedicated server definition is obvious from its name that a remote server which is fully dedicated to only one network, website or application. All resources of the server are just for one operation.

VPS Hosting Cost:

VPS is purely economic. With VPS hosting, users share many physical resources such as disk space, CPU and RAM. Due to the sharing factor, a hosting company can permit more users on the same server. In this way their cost per user gets low and they offer very economical packages to their user. Their packages vary from 20$ to 120$ per month according to RAM and disk space for hosting package

Dedicated Server Hosting Cost:

A dedicated server is not economic as compared to VPS hosting. In a dedicated server, there is no sharing of resources. One resource is fully dedicated to only one website which ultimately affects the package cost. Dedicated server packages started from almost 99$ to 250$ per month. It solely depends on your need it can exceed up to 2500$ per month for a completely managed dedicated hosting plan.

VPS Hosting Security:

Usually, VPS hosting considered as less secure because of sharing factor with multiple websites. Although hypervisor tries to control and monitor the activities but sometimes too advance viruses bypass the hypervisor completely and spread to all accounts on the server.

Dedicated Server Hosting Security:

A dedicated server is much secured than VPS hosting as there is no fear of partners because there is no sharing of resources with other websites or applications.

VPS Hosting Configuration:

Virtual private servers allow users to fully manage their settings and configurations. This freedom allows users to make changes and adjust what they need to fit the situation.

Dedicated Server Hosting Configuration:

The configuration is that the dedicated server is actually prominent. Because you are the only user on your system, you have complete control over everything, so you can modify everything in the software and/or hardware to do everything.

VPS Hosting Performance:

Performance majorly depends on the characteristics and performance of the hardware. VPS performance is minor less than Dedicated Server because of shared resources.

Dedicated Server Hosting Performance:

Dedicated Server has a special edge in the performance section just because of fully dedicated hardware. As a result, high-end server configurations actually exist only for dedicated users.

So, what should I select, a Dedicated Server or VPS hosting?

One of the most important factors in deciding whether to opt into VPS hosting or dedicated hosting is the type of resource required for your site. Do you want to host large media files that require lots of storage space and bandwidth? Does your site require a lot of processing power to run scripts and back-end applications? Do you expect a huge amount of visitors who need a lot of bandwidth without large media files?

If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you should strongly consider dedicated server. With dedicated server, you can configure your server to have the required processing power, storage space, and bandwidth. Also, you do not have to worry about slowing down or stealing resources from other sites.

However, if you have sites that do not require a huge amount of resources, you should consider VPS hosting. VPS Hosting has a variety of hosting options to choose from either very small or very large resources.

Visit to choose VPS hosting or dedicated server as per your need.



Ashok Arora

MD at providing web hosting and VPS hosting services to Indian