Ashok Arora
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2018


Top 5 Differences between Web And VPS Hosting: Which one is most suitable for you?

Knowing your choices in web hosting will help you avoid confusing results when organizing your website. Whether you are redesigning your site or joining it for the first time, I would like to find a hosting plan with the greatest potential for success for your site (which means success).

One of the decisions you must make is to choose between Web (shared) hosting and Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting.

Neither is intrinsically better than the other. It all depends on the unique requirements of the website. Among other considerations, you may need very strict security resources, extremely fast speed, low cost, or scalable resources.

With one option, you get a whole cake and in other you get just one slice. Before entering into the obvious tastes of these two approaches, clarify what goes into each.

1st Difference: Performance

It is important to have quick access to websites, even aesthetic or informative.

According to Kissmetrics’ research, internet users expect sites to load in 2 seconds, and visitors can quit if they take more than 3 seconds. It does not have much time to lose. A survey shows that 79% of online shoppers do not return to the website if performance issues occur during use.

Your VPS hosting plan will almost always be faster than your Web hosting plan. This is because users do not need to access and queue with visitors to other sites.

Imagine an exhibition with different art stalls to illustrate the difference. If everyone is on the same line to come to different suppliers, it will take much more time than if each stand had its own line.

2nd Difference: Reliability and Stability

When we talk about the availability of web hosts, we will not check their calendars or their relationship status. Instead, we look at how the website works and how often it can be expected that it will not load because of the server or network issues.

This is directly related to server availability or server availability and frequency. The availability time is expressed as a percentage, usually equal to or greater than 99.9%.

Server and VPS hosting plans can cause problems with the server. This largely depends on the quality of the server hardware and software, as well as vendor expertise, support, and management practices. However, because there are fewer clients on each server, you can usually reduce the problems of your VPS plan. Each partition can be configured and customized to the most efficient settings for the needs of a specific website or application, and each VPS server is typically more secure and reliable.

Think of the wall. If each brick is solid and safe, the walls are strong and fortified. If the brick is broken or missing, the entire structure is in danger. The Web (shared) hosting servers include hundreds of bricks.

3rd Difference: Security

In the Web (shared) hosting environment, there are usually more security vulnerabilities because there are more sites. More websites offer more opportunities to attackers. In addition, shared hosting clients typically have no experience with web hosting precautions, so hosting vulnerabilities can create server vulnerabilities.

Websites that process a large amount of user data or payment information can help by choosing VPS hosting. This option offers powerful security features, normally managed by experienced professionals. So you do not have to worry about the security of sensitive information.

4th Difference: Price

In general, you can expect to pay more for VPS hosting than shared (web) hosting because the cost of shared hosting is shared among many shared server users. VPS hosting is often more expensive because it provides more resources and tends to be more stable.

5th Difference: Scalability

Scalability is the capacity that your hosting account can accommodate for the growth of your website. This is often a feature you create when you decide to share or install VPS hosting. Scalability has many aspects, including storage and server capabilities.

If you have an average of 10,000 visitors per month, shared hosts can support these usage levels. However, when you develop your website, you may not be able to catch up on your shared hosting plan. Shared servers limit the ability to support the increased workload, but VPS hosting plans have a relatively large potential in this area.

Resources can often be adapted to different traffic patterns. For example, an e-commerce store is more bandwidth needed to handle the rush of Black Friday shoppers. If you plan to add content and traffic, your VPS hosting plan is usually a good investment.

Which one hosting is the best for you?

Choosing the wrong type of server can result in a similar lack of resources.

This can save you money in storage if you have a large site or you can save money if you need scalable or inexpensive hosting plans. Whatever the needs of your website and business, shared hosting or VPS hosting must be at the heart of the decision-making process as a recipe for successful hosting.



Ashok Arora

MD at providing web hosting and VPS hosting services to Indian