RRB NTPC Cutoff — Check, Expected and Previous Years’ Cutoffs

Krishn Veer Singh
Examinations and Tests
5 min readOct 12, 2020

RRB NTPC cutoff is the minimum marks or rank that an aspirant must secure to qualify the exam and get recruited for the positions of Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master in Indian Railways all over India.

The cut-off list will be available on the official RRB NTPC website in PDF format. Upon its release, candidates can download the cut off list and check their scores. Candidates you qualify RRB NTPC as per the cutoff will be offered recruitment in various geographical zones.

The RRB NTPC cutoff marks will be released both in the region and category-wise format. In this article, Buddy4Study team has compiled the previous years’ RRB NTPC cutoff marks along with the expected cut-offs for the year 2020.

Candidates seeking more information on RRB NTPC cutoff must go through this article thoroughly.

RRB NTPC Exam Date 2020 — Important Highlights

  • RRB NTPC application status checking window was closed on 30th September 2020.
  • RRB NTPC 2019 (Cen 01/2019) was initially scheduled to be held between June and September 2019. However, the RRB NTPC’s first stage CBT exam will now officially commence from 15th December 2020.
  • 2.42 crore applications were received by RRB for 1.40 lakh+ vacancies in the Indian railways.
  • More than 1.26 crore applicants have already applied for the RRB NTPC exam.
  • Approximately 35,208 vacancies will be filled through RRB NTPC 2019–20. A total of 10,628 posts for Class 12 (pass outs) and another 24,649 posts for graduates have been announced under RRB NTPC category.
  • RRB NTPC exam will be conducted in 15 languages.

RRB NTPC Cutoff — Important Dates

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the RRB NTPC cut off marks for the year 2019–20 once the exams are completed. The exam authority will release this year’s cutoff on the official RRB NTPC website .

RRB NTPC Cutoff Schedule 2020–21

Factors Determining RRB NTPC Cutoff

Several factors determine the RRB NTPC cutoff. A list of all such factors is given below.

  1. Number of vacancies available for that year
  2. Number of candidates appearing for the RRB NTPC exam
  3. Performance of the candidates in the exam
  4. Category-wise reservation criteria as per the RRB
  5. Overall difficulty level of exam

Apart from the factors listed above, COVID-19 can be a major factor that can influence this year’s cutoff for RRB NTPC exam.

RRB NTPC Cutoff — Minimum Qualifying Marks

The RRB NTPC qualifying marks are different from the cutoff marks. The qualifying marks are pre-determined (from before the exam) and are the minimum (requirement) marks that the candidates need to secure in the entrance examination to be considered qualified to participate in the further admission process. The candidates who score the minimum qualifying marks will then be accessed on the basis of the cutoff marks that will be released along with the RRB NTPC result.


RRB NTPC Stage 1 Computer Based Test is conducted for 100 marks. It covers 3 sections namely General Reasoning, General Awareness, and Mathematics. Candidates are shortlisted for the next process of NTPC exam (CBT Stage 2) based on the normalised scores. Given below are the qualifying percentages for each category of candidates.

RRB NTPC CBT 1 — Category wise Minimum Qualifying Percentage CBT 2

Both the minimum qualifying percentage as well as the cut off score for RRB NTPC Stage 2 exam is calculated out of 120 marks. Candidates, who will qualify the CBT 2 exam will be shortlisted for document verification/Medical examination and Typing Skill Test/Computer-based Aptitude Test.

Besides, the total number of candidates to be shortlisted for Stage 2 will be 20 times the community-wise number of vacancies.

RRB NTPC CBT 2 — Category wise Minimum Qualifying Percentage

How to check RRB NTPC Cutoff marks?

Once the RRB NTPC 2020 exam is conducted successfully, the Railway Recruitment Board will publish the cut off marks via online mode. Candidates need to follow these basic steps to check their scores/marks:

  1. Visit the regional websites of RRBs
  2. Click on the scorecard link available on the home page
  3. A login page/window will appear on the screen
  4. Enter the required credentials
  5. The cut off marks will appear on the screen
  6. Check the cut off marks as per your category and region

RRB NTPC Cutoff — Score Calculation

To calculate scores, candidates must have the basic idea about the scoring terminology of RRB NTPC 2020 exam.

Raw Score — Raw score is the marks obtained by the candidate in the primary stage. RRB NTPC exam comprises questions carrying 1 mark each. For every wrong answer, 0.33 mark is deducted.

For example, a candidate attempts 60 questions in total in CBT 1 exam. Among them, 12 are incorrect answers. In this case, the Raw Score will be calculated as:

60–12 — (1/3 * 12)

Here, 44 is the raw score.

RRB NTPC Cutoff — Normalized Score

The difficulty of RRB NTPC question papers differs for each session. The exam conducting authority of RRB NTPC follows a normalisation process to maintain fairness and equality among the test takers. This procedure is established for comparing the score and merit of the test takers who have taken the test in different sessions.

RRB NTPC authority adopts the normalization process so that no candidate gets an unfair benefit.

RRB has adopted a prefixed formula to calculate the normalized marks. This formula is also known as Normalized Marks Calculator.

Xn= (S2/S1) (X-Xav) + Yav

Xn = Normalised Score of a Candidate

S1 = Standard Deviation of raw marks of Candidate Session

S2 = Standard Deviation of raw marks of Base Session

Yav = Average of raw marks of Base Session

X = Raw marks of the candidate which is to be normalized

Xav = Average of raw marks of Candidate Session

RRB NTPC Cutoff — Expected Cut Off for 2020

Team Buddy4Study has dedicated hours to accumulate and create an expected RRB NTPC cut off marks based on the marks of RRB NTPC cut off 2018 session.

RRB NTPC Cutoff — State-wise and Category-wise (Previous Years’)

To know the cutoff estimate in 2020, candidates must check the previous years’ cut off trends. We have mentioned the cutoff marks of 2018 and 2015–16 in the table below:

RRB NTPC Cut Off 2018 (CBT Stage 1) RRB NTPC Cutoff 2015–16 (CBT Stage 1)

Originally published at https://exam.buddy4study.com on October 12, 2020.



Examinations and Tests
Examinations and Tests

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