Let Conversational Technology Take Care of your Dirty Dishes


I don’t know about you, but cleaning dishes isn’t one of my favorite activities. It’s an unpleasant, menial task, and after a ton of effort, the dishes don’t end up looking as clean and sparkly as I would like. Enter the dishwasher. Anyone who has one, knows how incredible they are. The beauty is that you barely have to do anything, and the dishwasher cleans the dishes for you while you tend to other, more important things. Not only does it do the dishes for you, but it does a better job than you would’ve done manually.

What does washing dishes have to do with sales automation? A whole lot more than you think. The task of having to clean dishes is incredibly similar to the role of a SDR (sales development reps). It’s important and necessary, but can be made more efficient and less cluttered, allowing for more opportunities and greater revenue.

Saves You Hours

SDR tasks such as lead qualification and nurturing via email or phone, are similar to doing dishes manually. The actions are repetitive and time consuming. Similar to a dishwasher taking over the laborious job of washing the dishes, an AI-powered conversational sales assistant can help sales teams save tons of time.

The automated sales assistant can reach out to leads, follow up on unanswered emails, deal with bounced mails, respond to questions and queries, collect essential data about the lead that’s required for qualification, set up meetings with the prospects, and disqualify leads who ask to opt-out. All of this can be done without any human intervention. Yep, zero.

Does a Better Job

Aside from the SDR’s role being time consuming, it’s completely inefficient. Often, it includes chasing down the wrong leads and failed qualifications. Think of cleaning a dish, only to find that it’s still dirty when it’s time to pack it away. You’ll need to re-wash every single one until they are all clean.

AI-powered conversational technology can help SDRs do a better job and qualify more leads, just like a dishwasher can free you up to deal with other things. With the assistant doing the small, detail-oriented tasks, the SDR can focus on actual opportunities, rather than chasing down the wrong leads. A win-win for everyone!

Continuously Improves

Unlike a dishwasher, the AI-powered assistant is intelligent enough to learn from past mistakes. It can learn from experiences to optimize its process based on what works and what doesn’t. Smart AI engines know how to predict situations, which helps them ask the next question or complete an action in order to decide whether the lead is qualified enough.

The Ultimate Combination of Human and Machine

As with any automated machine such as a dishwasher, the intelligent assistant can get ‘stuck’ on occasion. For example, it may misunderstand a lead’s question and get confused. In this case, the assistant will ask for help from a human rep.

When using a dishwasher, the best results can only be had when some manual effort is put into it. Piling dishes haphazardly, for example, will lead to unsatisfactory results. To get the best results, manual work before and after is needed — rinsing the dishes, placing them between the dividers, and packing them away afterwards.

A sales process is the same. Leads need to be generated through the sales or marketing team’s efforts, and when they’re ready to be closed, they get handed to the human-led sales team. Just like loading and unloading a dishwasher, human effort is needed before and after using the AI solution. The combination of human and machine effort leads to incredible results.

The End of Menial SDR Tasks

Dishwashers allow you to wash more dishes, faster, better, and more efficiently. Now let the AI-powered conversational assistant help your SDRs tend to more leads per day and help you see more opportunities flow through the pipeline.

