Can you quit self-sabotaging behavior?

Short answer: yes.

Terry Xu
Exceeding Expectations


Millions of people have done it. Some are lucky; they got rid of them early in their lives. Some aren’t; they suffer into their sixties. Most of us will figure it out in our thirties and forties.

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on Reddit which resonated with me.

I feel like I always go on streaks where I’m right about to make it in whatever endeavor I have — whether it’s quitting addictions, relationships, work success, friendships, etc. I always get 90% of the way there and I just throw it all away for some reason. I sabotage myself before things get too far and return to my little baseline of bare minimalism and emotional isolation.

I’ve realized I maybe have deeply rooted low self worth and fear or success/failure. I keep myself small and avoid being vulnerable, but I no longer want to live in this confined, bare minimum existence manner.

I want to actually fulfill my potential and not be afraid of what comes next. How do I go about doing this?


So I replied:

You are on the right path. Knowing that a lot of our behaviors have deep-rooted causes is a significant step toward mindfulness. You will experience a journey of discovering subconscious ideas and

