God of Spirits

A poem

Valentine Nnebe
Excellent Pages
2 min readMay 23, 2024


(Stacey Koenitz — Unsplash)

Show the serenities of Heaven their fault and the numberless ways silence is a crime. Let tranquillity lie a temporary rest for the rowdy, boisterous exaltation of a majestic God.

My eyes see the arc of Heaven and the pure, dazzling lights so fierce to blind. What has mortality got to do at the heights of everlastingness? I shiver from an electrified atmosphere in idyllic settings awash with ostentatious taste.

Scattered are the excellencies of ethereal elements and the colossal pride of immortal spirits. My eyes are astonished by the plenitude of fantastical creatures and the crystalline purity of benign seas.

I’m pleasured to frolic on luxurious dust and levitate in skies absent with gravity. I’ve seen an assortment of palatial mansions and a stellar grandeur effusing with much riveting opulence.

I’ve found the crest of sublimity and the apex of unbeatable splendour, this is the exquisite badge of nobility — this is Heaven! My eyes are inundated with lights and a concert bubbling with phenomenal prestige.

I tremble before a myriad of angelic hosts waltzing with each other and reverberating with power and glory. The atmosphere is permeated with perfected melodies and with the excellence of vocal exertions.

At the remotest of distances is an imposing, pearly throne, towering high with impeccable enormity. I see the outline of a figure seated firmly with scintillating lights — this is breathtaking and massively awe-inspiring!

A sea of fire, turbulent and certainly unquiet encircled the throne. The deafening howls of mammoth seraphs boomeranged through the length and breadth of the Celestial City so the landscapes quaked violently.

The spirits are startled and awakened so the ferocious devils of hell froze at the audacity of the moment. Reverentially, a retinue of noble, ancient saints honoured the solemnity of the event — venerating the high omnipotence of God Almighty.

Flashes of glistening, effervescent lightning tore through the perimeter of Heaven as peals of thunder slammed the airspace. The ear-splitting chants of Yahweh resonated roundabout acclaiming the indisputable supremacy of the God of spirits.

© Valentine Nnebe 2024
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Valentine Nnebe
Excellent Pages

✫Registered Nurse by the paper (1st class div) ✫Aspiring Writer ✫Word enthusiast ✫Home grown Nigerian. I join letters to words and statements for fun.