Sterling Pride

A poem

Valentine Nnebe
Excellent Pages
2 min readAug 11, 2024


(Moein Razavi — Unsplash)

I was the portrayal of an underdog nestled under a vast array of barren skies. The fabric of my soul burned from the heat of merciless foes and my senses met a barrage from the scourging rounds of contempt.

The days won’t sell me the bread of pity but I was exposed to a world of fiery derision. Sentiments were punished if they tilted with love in my direction and I was baked hard with the smouldering coals of animosity.

I was disgusted with my lot in life and nursed antipathy towards the sons of men and the offspring of privilege. I saw my filth and abhorred my identity, for impoverishment clung to me as an inalienable stigma and an accursed stain.

The excellence of joy was departed so I groped in the hollows of despondency and lingered under the ambience of melancholy. The doldrums of despair were overjoyed to entangle me with the web of dejection, choking me in the pit of harrowing misery.

I fell under a world delighted to trample, so with pleasure, it flattened me out. The spirits of elation dissipated into thin air and the fountains of delight were parched with a horrifying bankruptcy. I met the pleasures of the morning corrupted and melodies stood banal.

My joy was weathered and I despised hackneyed felicitations. There were no powers to emancipate my femininity but for the intervening of the majestic supremacies in Heaven. Now I’m enabled to confront high tides and push back hostile forces.

I’m resplendent with a womanly glow as the personification of beauty and the insignia of affluence. My steps are to strut the corridors of power and flaunt my unwaning influence. The past is a lying illusion, the present is here.

The days magnify my distinction and I’m assembled to stupefy the community of menfolk so they’re mesmerized and utterly speechless. I have a penchant for the finer things of life and articles glossed luxuriously for the ostentatious class.

I’ve invited the world to my uncensored pomp and pageantry and all the glitz that defines the exalted stereotype. My prestige is guided in the path of eminence and propelled to the status of celebrity.

Dignity is a figure of prominence and standing so I beat my chest to have triumphed against the odds. I refuse the label of the past and the mockery that won’t be silenced. I trump the exploits of men by my fantastical design in all sterling pride.

© Valentine Nnebe 2024
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Valentine Nnebe
Excellent Pages

✫Registered Nurse by the paper (1st class div) ✫Aspiring Writer ✫Word enthusiast ✫Home grown Nigerian. I join letters to words and statements for fun.