How Much Is The Cost to Make A Flutter App?

Paresh Sagar
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2020

Flutter seems to be all in rage this year. It’s one of the best open-source mobile application development frameworks that you can use for native-like app development. The word I use is “native-like” because actually, it is hybrid app development.

With Flutter, the quality of app development is such that although being a Hybrid framework, the feel is of a native app. Flutter is the brainchild of Google. Companies want to build the best app for the most number of people that they can reach. Flutter fulfills the exact requirements for the developers as well as the business owners.

There are several factors to consider in the app development like the benefits of Flutter-based app development, the cost to make a Flutter app, etc. The best mobile app designs and development process goes hand in hand with Flutter.

What is Flutter?

By the textbook definition, Flutter is a complete SDK Open-source cross-platform mobile application development framework. In layman’s terms, Flutter is Google’s hybrid framework that offers the best single-code-multiple-platforms app development possibilities.

Flutter was launched two years back by Google in 2018. Since then, this platform has only been going up. Flutter offers the best app development service for multiple app platforms at the price of developing one. We’ll talk more about the benefits of using Flutter framework later in the blog.

Why Chose Flutter Over Other Hybrid Frameworks?

First thing’s first; instead of native frameworks, I support Hybrid frameworks because they provide half the price of creating two native apps. And, in recent times, the level of app development features that Hybrid frameworks can offer is almost parallel to Native frameworks.

Now moving ahead, there are several hybrid frameworks to choose from, but I will suggest going with Flutter. There are several benefits to getting your business app developed using Flutter hybrid framework.

Let’s Take a Look at Some Wide Range of Advantages of Flutter Framework:

  1. It’s an open-source framework
  2. Built on a Dart programming language
  3. Flutter offers Customised Widgets
  4. It follows the React Native programming architecture
  5. Helps in faster app development
  6. The testing efforts are reduced
  7. Even with Hybrid Framework you get access to Native Features
  8. Flutter offers an excellent User Interface
  9. It’s the right choice for MVP App Development

There are many benefits of using the Flutter framework, but discussing why Flutter will be perfect for your business is a whole other topic for a new blog. For this blog, we aim to analyse the factors affecting the cost to make a Flutter app.

What Is The Cost To Make A Flutter App?

Various factors are responsible for deciding the cost of developing a flutter-based mobile app. But here I would talk about the most significant 4 factors that affect the cost of developing a Flutter based app:

1 Designing

2 The Back-End Capabilities

3 App’s Functionality & Important Integrations

4 Maintenance & Support

Designing of Flutter App

The first factor is also the first step in the app development. The designing of the app plays an important role, especially the level of complexity in the app’s design.

The app’s design is what attracts the attention of the users at first sight. So, the design should be impressive, and such an impressive app design will cost more than a simple color scheme and basic design template.

So, if you increase the quality and complexity of the app’s User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) to create the best mobile app design, then the cost of making such a Flutter app will definitely increase.

The Back-End Capabilities

In any mobile app, the back-end is one of the most critical factors. One could say that it is the backbone of the entire digital structure without which the app could not stand or function at all.

The app user doesn’t get to see what is inside their car. But to run the car smoothly, all the hidden parts need to function perfectly. It’s the same with mobile apps, you only see the front-end of the app, but the hidden back-end has to be perfect to run the app smoothly.

The database stores all the user data; the server helps in managing multiple client requests; the back-end witnesses all the data encryption. The back-end is the machine that runs the entire operation and also backup the app’s and users’ data.

To get the best back-end tech stack and development, you need to shell out good money. When it comes to the app’s server and back-end capabilities, you can not shy out in spending. So, this is a significant factor to consider when you decide the cost of making a Flutter app.

App’s Functionality & Important Integrations

The app is more than just the app design, back-end, and front-end development. The soul and essence of the app come from the functional integration done to enhance the complete level of the app’s capabilities.

The app’s that we see now are focused on one thing, high-class feature-rich integration. For instance, if we take Uber taxi app. You can create the elegant front-end and also give powerful back-end support to back the app. But, how will the app feel if there is no GPS map or live tracking feature?

A custom-made mobile app with user-centric features is the need of the hour for any industry. To support such original and custom apps, you need to have the most highly functioning app integration.

There are several such feature-rich app integrations like:

1 AR/VR App Integration

2 SMS & Push Notification Gateways

3 Payment Gateways Integration

4 Navigation & Geo-Positioning

5 AI Chatbots

6 3D Modelling

7 Social Media Platform Integration

8 IoT-Based Device Integration

Maintenance & Support

Many people forget this significant factor in Flutter app development. In the present day and age, just developing an app and going on the next project is not enough. Developers have to keep working on updates and giving tech support to the app and its users.

The development team always has to bring new features and designs and release them over updates and improvements based on user reviews/ feedback and the latest trends.

Many businesses have made the mistake of not counting the cost of maintenance and support in app development and then regret not choosing the right post-development plan. So, it is necessary to consider maintenance cost in the project earlier to avoid future blunders.

Build Your Own Flutter App

If you are looking forward to hiring an app developer, make sure to get the best app development team that is expert in Flutter based hybrid app development. Flutter is the best hybrid app development framework there is in 2020.

Flutter will make both yours and the developer’s lives easier. Our primary concern for this blog is the cost of Flutter app development. So, I’d like to end the blog with the same thing.

Flutter is the only hybrid app development framework that offers the vast range of development advancements at the price of a single app development project. Now you too can launch your single-code-multiple-platform Flutter app.



Paresh Sagar

Paresh Sagar is the CEO of Excellent Webworld , IoT, Web and Mobile App Development Company that helps startups and enterprises to enable mobility solution.