Mobile App Development Process: Ideas, Implementation to App

Paresh Sagar
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2021

According to Statista, 72.9% of total retail eCommerce sales will be generated via m-commerce.

That clearly means mobile apps carry huge potential for businesses looking to grab attention from smartphone users while retaining their existing consumers.

Even further, more than 85% of mobile users like to explore things using native mobile apps rather than mobile websites.

Even if you are developing social media or gaming apps, you get a sea of opportunities as mobile app revenue for 2020 stood for almost $582 billion.

So, if you are exploring what it takes to develop mobile apps that achieve success, this article is for you. Even though each app is different, and they follow different methodologies, they follow the same process. Let’s explore the development process in detail so you can better understand every nitty-gritty of app development.

SEE ALSO: Which App Development Approach to Choose?

#1: Idea: Think about App

If you are determined to build your app, the first step is to figure out what type of mobile app you really want.

Planning is all about digging out every possible aspect, such as budget, time, platform, technology, development companies, and more. All you need to do is take a notebook with you when you begin brainstorming.

#2: Planning/Strategy: Explore the Possibilities

Usually, businesses with high success rates confirm that solving customers’ problems helped them grow. The app must follow the same and work as an extension of problem-solving.

Think about what problem customers face and whether it has been solved yet by your competitors. If not, then explore why? Come out with robust solutions. So, begin with;

● Identifying your users

● Spotting their pain points

● Researching competitors

● Peeping into their work strategies

● Setting your objectives you want to accomplish with the app

Apart from these, you can also decide the app’s timeframe, target platform, USP, and marketing & maintenance.

#3: Choose Your Technology Partner: Find a Reliable One

As the next step will involve technical things, it is better to choose your technology partner who will build your app. It’s crucial to choose a reliable development company as plenty of things, from quality work to budget, will depend on how perfect the development partner is. It’s up to you whether you want to go with local developers or outsource your app development project to other countries.

#4: UI/UX Design: Design to Impress

The mobile app’s success depends on how effectively it serves the users and how effortlessly the users benefit from the app’s features. Ultimately, the purpose of UI/UX design is to provide a seamless user experience, and that’s possible when your app is interactive, user-friendly, and intuitive.

Think about what data the app will collect from users and what will be displayed. Possibly, create a complete user journey. Creating a user’s journey with the app will help you create the best and interactive workflow diagram.

UI of your app is one important factor to boost your business’s productivity. And along with UI comes typography, therefore choose your typography wisely. For example, if you need to give your designs a vintage feel then use Stamp fonts.

You can also think about creating wireframes, prototypes, mockups, and style guides to ensure the app’s feasibility, usability, standards, and consistency.

#5: App Development: Don’t Compromise with Quality

Having done the design part, the project goes through the actual realization part. This is the part where you need to decide if you want to go with;

Native app development

Or, Hybrid app development

When you choose the native app development approach, the app will be written separately for iOS and Android. In short, you need to build two specific apps, fully optimized for each platform.

However, if you want to build an app for cross-platform, you need to go with hybrid app development. In this approach, hybrid web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, are utilized. You can also use React Native, Xamarin, and Native Script for building cross-platform native applications. These are cost-effective solutions.

Having done with the tech specs, you need to decide the development methodologies. For example, whether you want to develop the app using scrum methodologies, MVP, or develop the whole. However, a development company will help you decide the right method based on your app’s requirements.

MVP development is considered the best option to get reliable applications, though it’s subject to your budget and time.

#6: Testing: Makes the Perfect

Testing is the most important part of the mobile app development process. In this phase, the app goes through rigorous testing by QA and testers. They ensure the app functions perfectly. They find bugs and get them fixed by the developers. It’s a long process. It takes months or even years to get the perfect outcome. More than that, bugs are inevitable, and testing ensures it gets minimal issues.

Testing goes through many iterations: first, testing continues as the development goes on. Next, when the writing code is over, then testing is done in the real environment. Besides, after the testing and bug fixing are over and the app is ready to be delivered, a final round of testing in a real environment. In this phase, the app is distributed among anonymous users and gets feedback. The development work as the feedback received.

#7: Deployment and Support: Get Set Go

Finally, the app is ready. The client goes through the project, tests the project from his end, and gives his perspective if anything needs to be changed. Now, the team will deploy the project to the downloading platform. Now, the app will be downloaded by actual users. Besides, the development company will provide support for a specific period. During these periods, if any issues, such as technical glitches, bugs, or user-related issues found, will be solved by the team.

These are the 7 main steps that you need to follow to understand the mobile app development process. No doubt, there could be many sub-steps that will be followed by. You will be best guided by the development partner you choose to go with. The article here has explained the detailed process involving app development so that when you connect with a mobile app development company in California, Kansas, Texas, Toronto, or others. with the app development.

Final Thoughts

Did you know mobile apps account for 50% of total time spent across all digital media platforms? Even further, mobile app downloads have reached 218 billion in 2020 and are expected to grow incessantly in 2021.

These data are just time-specific, while the actual scenario is even better. If you want to achieve business in any field, you cannot ignore the advent of mobile apps. It’s the present and the future of business.



Paresh Sagar

Paresh Sagar is the CEO of Excellent Webworld , IoT, Web and Mobile App Development Company that helps startups and enterprises to enable mobility solution.