Krampus Composite by Kendel Davi


A Krampus Cuckold Christmas Orgy

Kendel Davi
Exceptional Erotica
10 min readDec 11, 2022


“Who needs a whip when you have this!”

His knobby tail whizzes through the air, in a serpentine fashion, smacking down upon the curvaceous buttocks of a suspended Mrs. Claus with a thunderous clap.

Of all the things Jessica Claus is grateful for, this annual visit from Krampus really gets her going.

He recoils his tail as his guttural laugh fills every crevice of the lodge that acts as a dungeon for the night.

“I promised I’d leave enough of you for him to enjoy. Then again, promises are made to be broken,” Krampus says. “With a woman as delicious as you, I’d say forget the kids, I’m staying in with you all night long.”

He scrapes his cloven hooves on the hardwood floor before taking a step forward. Her anguished grimace turns into a smile as his musky aroma has her wet. She knows, as much as she craves to have him, the fate of her orgasms rest in his hands and that’s exactly how she wants it tonight.

“Do you mind if I have a little taste? Whipping kids all night long is a lot more exhausting than giving them presents.”

Krampus unrolls his forked tongue and flicks it directly onto her clit. He coils the split ends around her erect knob, stroking it as if it were a dick.

“Jesus, Krampus,” she moans and tries to kick free but ends up swinging from the Douglas firs she’s suspended from. He rapidly uncoils his tongue and watches her body writhe in agony.

“A little blasphemy on Christmas? You’re such a naughty girl, Jessica.”

He clomps towards her upper body, devouring every inch of her flesh with his blood crimson eyes. The shadows from his curved horns cascade across her skin until he stops at her shoulders and examines his fingernails.

“I even got a manicure for you. Your girl, Suzen, did a great job. She even smoothed out my pinky nail which I kept long just for tonight.”

Jessica gazes at his shiny onyx nails as he floats his hand over her body, close enough for her to feel the heat radiating from his palm. He grazes her skin along the center of her body with his long pinky nail. Her nerves spark at his subtle touch, making her want to fold herself in half. All the while Krampus gives a sinister chuckle as he watches Jessica squirm.

“Such a good girl. I’m tempted to have my way with you.” He snatches his pinky away. The absence of his touch makes her flutter. “Maybe I should let the elves have at you first? It’s their night off as well. That is, if I can get them to stop fucking each other for a moment.”

On the balconies above, an orgy of elves, of every pairing one can imagine, bury themselves in exquisite displays of debauchery. Their orgasmic symphony floats through the lodge, fueling Jessica’s arousal, until she feels the urge to shout, “Just fuck me already!”

“That’s no way to talk to an old friend,” Krampus says, amused by her outburst. He strokes the length of his jet black pointed beard before he leans in and whispers, “If I didn’t find you so irresistible I’d leave but I know your cunt is eager to have me.”

He gives her a kiss before delivering a sharp slap across her hefty beasts. She screams and bites his lip until she tastes a trickle of his blood in her mouth. He returns her bite with a hard twist of her nipple, forcing her to gasp.

Krampus pulls his head away. He wipes his lips and spots the smear of red blood against his rich cobalt skin and tempers his anger by swallowing hard.

“You still have that fire that I love so much but I know who can coax more of that out.” He snaps his finger. “Oh, Suzen?”

An electricity fills the room as a three-foot pixie does parkour from the top balcony to the main floor. A light sweat peppers Suzen’s body through her sheer green body stocking. Her mischievous, emerald eyes gaze at Krampus as she jumps into his arms and starts to grope him but he uses his superior strength to keep her at bay.

“That’s for later. Right now, you get to do that thing we talked about.”

Suzen stares at Jessica.

“Are you serious?”

“You’ve been flirting for centuries. If you weren’t ready to do this you wouldn’t have told me about it.”

Suzen peruses Jessica’s luscious body. Excitement and nervousness rush over her to the point where her hands shake.

“I told you I’d find a way to repay you and this is just the start.” He gives Suzen a tender kiss on the neck. “But I think you need to be in something more appropriate for this occasion.”

He drags his pinky nail down the front of her bodysuit, ripping the material. Then, with a flourish of his tail, rips the lingerie from Suzen’s body.

The room falls silent. They can almost hear Jessica’s heartbeat as Suzen lifts Jessica’s legs over her shoulders and slowly runs her tongue along Jessica’s pussy.

“Oh, fuck,” Jessica cries.

A raucous celebration bursts from the rafters. Jessica fights against the ropes as Suzen licks close to Jessica’s desired spots. The frustration from these perfectly placed laps has Jessica cursing up a storm. It’s an elegant display of profanity, ignited by desperation, which has Krampus tapping the front of his codpiece.

Suzen becomes more playful with her tongue. This torment gives Jessica the strength to pull the top of her body up to give her legs some slack. When Suzen moves her head to Jessica’s clit, she traps Suzen’s head between her thighs, hooks her ankles, and forces Suzen’s mouth tight on her pussy.

“Keep licking my pussy like that! Force me to come on your fucking face!”

Suzen fights to breathe as Jessica gyrates her pussy hard. Jessica’s body trembles as she clings to the edge of coming. When Krampus senses she’s about to explode, he muscles Suzen away from the firm grasp of Jessica’s thighs.

“We’re not done with you yet. I have a special Christmas gift for that sweet filthy mouth of yours,” he says to Jessica before he unfurls his colossal erect demon cock.

He strokes it as he moves towards Jessica’s head. A slight fear rushes through her as she locks her gaze on the behemoth until he steps out of view and weaves his fingers through the back of her hair.

“Open wide, my pet.”

Krampus pushes her mouth open with the head of his cock. Everyone watches in awe as Jessica moves down his shaft. Krampus leans over her body and gradually increases the potency of each thrust.

While Krampus fucks Jessica’s throat, Suzen positions herself between Jessica’s legs again. She draws her fingers into a point. Krampus wraps his slick tongue around Suzen’s hand, getting it as wet as possible.

It’s a carefully orchestrated distraction. One whose purpose is unknown until Suzen places her dripping hand at Jessica’s opening. With a gentle push she inserts her hand, up to her knuckles, inside Jessica’s wet cavern.

Jessica trembles as Suzen’s hand disappears inside her at the wrist. She contracts her pussy forcing Suzen to rapidly roll her fingers. Her body pulsates from the foreign sensation and within seconds, Jessica comes furiously.

Her cries of ecstasy are muffled by Krampus’ cock. An eruption of cheers and bells on hats jingling fills the air.

It’s loud enough to cover the gallop of reindeer on the fresh snow. Roaring enough to drown out the heavy footsteps of a being of considerable size approaching. Blaring enough to disguise the squeak of antique hinges swinging open. Jessica squeezes her pussy again, forcing Suzen’s hand to eject from the depths of her cunt, as a blast of Arctic wind rushes into the lodge.

There stands Santa.

His suit is powdered with fresh snow as his eyes capture the last stages of his wife’s intense orgasm. The initial shock on his face is softened by the grin of pleasure he delivers before slamming the doors behind him.

“What did I miss?” Santa asks in a calm voice.

“We’re almost at the good part,” Krampus responds as he continues to pump into Jessica’s throat. “If you had been any later… Oh fuck!”

Jessica slides her mouth further down Krampus. She swallows hard with each inch she takes. All while eyeing her husband. One more hard swallow sends a shock through Krampus, making him eject his cock from Jessica’s throat and takes a step backwards.

Santa rips off his coat. His shirt is translucent from sweat. The bowl full of jelly belly is gone. Burned off by the metabolism it takes to travel faster than the speed of light in order to deliver billions of presents. His weathered face still appears jolly as he tears through the drenched shirt, moves closer to his wife, and tenderly wipes her sweat drenched hair from her brow.

“Hey, honey,” Jessica says in a hoarse voice while giving him a smile that could light up the entire lodge. “I’m glad you made it.”

“You know I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

This shared tender moment is soon ripped apart. A soft cry spills from her mouth as she bites her bottom lip in anticipation. Santa spots Krampus standing between his wife’s legs. He gives Krampus a nod, then turns his gaze back to his wife to watch her eyes open wide as Krampus slowly invades her with his cock.

“How does it feel?” Santa asks in a soothing tone.

“Fucking fantastic,” she shouts. “He’s so fucking huge.”

“It’s amazing how beautiful you look taking his monster dick. I can’t wait until it’s my turn.”

Her loving smile gets instantly wiped away as Krampus fills her to the hilt. Her body shivers as he increases his intensity and her glazed eyes signal Santa to get out of his pants as quickly as possible.

The constraint Krampus has shown is gone. His demon side takes over as he bleats thunderous calls of pleasure while plowing into Mrs. Claus.

Santa drops his red pants to his ankles before pulling out his fully erect cock. It’s equally as impressive as Krampus’ but in human form with more girth. He strokes himself from his balls to the base to his cherry red bulbous cock head as he focuses on his wife’s expressions. He’s been reduced to a voyeur and loves witnessing his wife’s gratification but keeps his distance until she gives the signal for him to join in.

An incomprehensible rush of moans mixed with exclamations of physical delight spew from Jessica’s mouth. She pulls her gaze away from Krampus and notices her husband’s engorged cock. The blissful anguish in her eyes flashes to an insatiable hunger as she motions for Santa, with a flip of her head, to come over. Within seconds he bounds to her, his cock leading the way, and when he’s in striking distance, she opens her mouth and takes him in.

“Holy shit!”

She works her tongue around the head. He absorbs her energy and soon is gliding into her mouth.

Jessica slurps away, fighting against Krampus’ power in order to keep her husband’s dick in her mouth.

Krampus delivers a focused thrust. A surge of physical tension consumes her. Jessica snatches her mouth from around her husband’s cock and yells out, “Now!”

Krampus steps back. Santa quickly replaces him and, without reserve, slams his thick dick into his wife’s pussy.

The elves in the rafters clap in rhythm with each thrust, egging him on, until the furious slaps of Santa’s flesh colliding with Jessica’s drowns them out.

“Fuck my freshly used cunt! Fuck me like you own me,” she demands as her second orgasm hangs in the balance.

Santa’s loses himself in the sensation of his wife’s pussy. He grits his teeth as he drives into her, craving the need to spend the last bit of energy he has left inside her. The Douglas Firs swing and bend. It looks like they might break as Santa hooks his fingers through the ropes to gain more leverage as he continues to intensely fuck his wife.

A few feet away Suzen’s minuscule body takes the full brunt of Krampus. His cock is a third of the size of her body but she takes it as if this were her calling.

Suzen releases a vibrant shriek as her body tenses before she comes on his massive cock. The unexpected power of her orgasm forces Krampus to come. He roars at his release, a dynamic sound that forces the walls of the lodge to shake. As the intensity of their orgasm begins to recede Jessica’s shrill voice cuts through the air.

“I’m coming. I’m fucking coming again!”

Jessica locks the air in her lungs as the vibrations from the intensity of her climax ravish her. She clenches her pussy hard on Santa’s cock which forces him to flood his wife with a tremendous load.

His legs instantly become weak. He collapses on top of her, panting erratically, and continues to spurt inside her. Jessica gives her husband a kiss. She’s happy the restraints are strong enough to hold both of their weights. A few elves scurry to untie the ropes while others go back to fucking.

Once free, Jessica, Krampus, and Suzen help a weak Santa to the couch in front of the fireplace.

Still somewhat spent, Santa finds the energy to give his wife a loving embrace before tracing the indentations left on her skin from the ropes.

“Another amazing Christmas, Krampus. This one even topped last year,” Santa says, still trying to catch his breath.

“I agree but I was wondering if I could have a gift for myself this year, Santa? Since you were so impressed with my work.”

Santa looks at him confused until he spots Suzen caressing Krampus’ inner thigh.

“I’ll have her back by the end of the week. This pixie has created an itch in me that only she can scratch.”

Santa looks at his wife, who enjoys the connection between Suzen and Krampus.

“Why the hell not? After tonight you both deserve it.”

Suzen mutes her response to just a smile.

Jessica weaves her fingers through her husband’s as they watch the elves continue their Yuletide celebration. She knows the work for next year starts soon but having this one night to be as naughty as she desires makes being nice, most of the time, so worthwhile.

A huge thank you to The Smut Mill for this Sinful Santa prompt. If you’d like to read more of my writing please visit



Kendel Davi
Exceptional Erotica

A published erotica writer based in Los Angeles with a knack for creating sensual kinky stories focused on POC and LBGTIA characters.