Photo by: Inna Mykytas

An Unforgettable Message

A Sweet Kinky Reply to Our Summer Surprise Prompt

4 min readJun 13, 2024


Dear Love,

I’ve just received your letter and am elated to begin planning for your much anticipated return. I know you’re a woman of diverse taste. So, I will take care to choose our plans wisely. I also keep in mind that you have been rigorously working during our time apart.

I’d love nothing more than to show you how much you’d been missed in the best way I know how. Instead of putting you in some nerve-wracking spotlight surrounded by strangers, I’d rather you spend your first moments being wholly embraced in my arms. Instead of going to some extravagant dinner, I’d rather buy all your favorite ingredients and cook for you.

When you get here, I won’t be wearing some kinky leather outfit, or leash and collar like usual. I won’t be in lingerie that exasperates my comfort only to be disrobed. I will instead be happily naked in all ways, standing in natural light with all my vulnerability to bear. I will have soothing music on. I will play you the songs that calm your weary mind and remind you of better days. I will sing for you while I pour my heart out through our old piano.

Our house will be spotless. It will smell like vanilla candles and fresh linen. Your favorite robe will be perfectly ironed and ready for you to wear. Although I appreciate the grand gesture, the cash you sent isn’t necessary. I have plenty for us both and you should know our bills had been paid weeks ago. I’ve already deposited it back into our investments. There’s no need to use it for moments or events I can make even better for free.

What truly needs to be paid in high attention is you. I want you surrounded by the salve of healing. I want to mend the parts of you that have been broken while you were away and assemble the pieces into a mosaic of love and understanding.

Once you are rested and restored, I will wake you with gentle kisses. The first thing you will taste in the morning is me. The first thing you will feel is my body. The first scent to arouse you will be my perfume.

I will allow the silken strands of my hair to fall all around you and caress you like soft ribbons. I’ll kiss you so passionately, the first sounds you’ll make at dawn will be soft moans. I’ll tease you just enough to drive your hunger and do everything in my power to sate it. I want to make every inch of you tingle and shiver, then hold you tight while you fall apart.

You’ll feel slightly weakened, and used in a way you won’t forget. I know your body can take it to the point of tears. I’ve seen what it can do, and I can’t wait to push it to a new limit.

Your lips will lock with mine and I shall breathe you in my lungs. I’ll heat you up to a feverish point and watch your eyes as you implode. I’ll kiss every trembling part of you until you calm, then rev you up all over again.

This will probably knock you out for another hour or so. Just enough time for me to make your favorite breakfast and the perfect cup of coffee.

We’ll sit naked in our kitchen and talk all about your trip. I’ll kiss you again and you will wind up being my dessert, right on top of the table. I’ll eat you slowly and carefully, savoring every inch of you that my tongue can reach. Then, I’ll feed you with my own desires.

By then, it will be afternoon. We’ll walk together to a beautiful, shaded area and take photos of each other. Some silly and some serious. Some endearing and ones that will drive us both back to bed, rendered in lust.

I’d also like to bring a blanket. We’ll sit on a bench by our favorite tree, and I’ll lay it on your lap. I’ll talk to you casually while my hands fit snugly down the seam of your panties. My arm will be perfectly still, just in case there are passersby. My fingers will slowly massage you underneath until you’re all wet and dizzy.

I’ll enjoy watching your face redden in lust and admire your adoring gestures of trying to hide it. I may let you cum, I may not. That will be a decision to make at that appointed time. Until then, I’ll let those thoughts linger with you on your way back to me.

This is a mere taste of things, just a few flighty thoughts for the day. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to travel together somewhere far and exotic. But for now, I just want you home. Simply here, by my side. On me, in me, and everywhere in between.



p. s. I think I’ve changed my mind about the leash and collar.

