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Forbidden Lust — Part 1

A Hotwife’s Secret Cravings and Untamed Passions

Sophie-Louise Clarke
7 min read5 days ago


Once upon a time, in a past life, I was a free-spirited young woman. Coming from a much smaller town where I had spent the previous five years to this large city was a major transition for me.

I had big goals and would read fashion magazines for hours, imagining myself as a successful designer.

Weekdays saw me working as a model on occasion and doing advertising work for a local company.

In the past, I would begin each day with a visit to a local cafe-bar for a cup of espresso and a spin on the machine.

Even though I knew I didn’t have a shot of winning, that didn’t dampen my enthusiasm.

My whole perspective changed when I met Ethan. He was kind, and my car’s flat tire forced him to drive me home.

I could sense the tension between us even though the rain was pouring outside, encircling us with noise. Looking into his petrified gaze made me want to reach out and touch him.

I gently clasped his hand in mine and thanked him for his kindness. That was all that needed to happen, and I kissed him passionately for the first (but what felt like the 100th) time.



Sophie-Louise Clarke

Chasing desires through words. Exploring passion, heartache, and the wild tangle of emotions. Join me in these intimate stories.