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FREE SEX Cards, ‘Could it be this easy?’

“It’s not as bad as I feared,” she thought as she twirled the drunk’s limp noodle around with her tongue. Maybe she was just trying to psych me out…

Mr E's Erotic Stories
9 min readMay 28, 2023


The card had three UV marks on it. It’s not the first one I’ve seen more than once. I don’t know what her strategy was for distributing them initially, but I’ve seen 5 of them once, and 2 of them twice, and this one is on its third time around.

The requests for how to spend the hour have run in a fairly narrow and safe range — Slow sex, fast sex, missionary and upside-down sex. The initial rounds were less desirable partners who just seemed to want to get off in someone they didn’t know. So far, it appears she was careful not to distribute cards in high-class establishments.

I, on the other hand, was more selective about placing cards in places I would actually frequent, where I knew the clientele to be more reputable.

I have no idea how this drunk I’m with now got the card that I know I placed in the lobby bar in a 4-star hotel. This guy must have drunk a bottle of gin just to get his courage up, turns out that’s all he got up. He stumbled into the hotel room and just flopped into the chair and opened his fly and seemingly passed out.

I couldn’t take a chance that he was faking, so I fished out his little dick and started licking. It was pretty small, smaller than my pinky finger and about as thick. At least I wasn’t going to get stabbed in the back of the throat.

I’ve seen too many men who thought getting drunk was sexy. They didn’t realize that lost inhibition often came with loss of strategic blood flow and consequently disappointing results for themselves and the women they hoped to impress.

Well I need to get this guy off and prove it or I’m going to be thrown to some gentlemen whose virility is never in doubt. I closed a loop with my index finger to my thumb to halt blood from returning from his eleventh digit. I closed my lips around his pencil, sucked as hard as I could manage and pumped my head. He might not enjoy the sensation, but I wasn’t going to pass up the challenge. I pressed my tongue on the raphe and applied pressure while sucking like a Dyson.

His little shaft expanded its girth by another fifty percent and it began to resemble an erection. I applied the tip of my tongue to his frenulum and gripped his testicles firmly with my right hand and pulled them away from his torso. When I was sure he was as hard as he could get, I licked until I felt his balls start to move indicating impending ejaculation. I pulled my mouth off his pecker and squeezed his balls with both hands. A stream of goo spurted up his trousers from his pocket to his belt.

I put the room’s alarm clock on the clean side of his trousers with the business card and snapped a photo with my camera and sent the proof of time that I had made the hour of sex happen for the unlucky lucky bastard.

Another mark with the UV pen, I slipped the card into my pocket for the next drop. I waved good-bye to the miserable worm and left the sleeping slob in the chair. As I was putting the Clean please hanger on the door knob, my purse buzzed with an incoming message..

From BossLady — Well, that’s disappointing. Get that card back in circulation. I want to see something more interesting.

I hope this is the last of these I see, but I know number 13 is still out there. I headed to the lobby bar and slipped the card into a menu on one of the outer tables and walked home.

I laid my purse on the counter and put my phone to charge by my bed while I took a shower.

I tried my best to relax under the steamy shower. I washed my hair and carefully soaped and groomed myself, knowing that with cards still in circulation anything could happen at any time and I had to be ready. The consequence of an untimely response was at least marginally within my control.

I wrapped a towel around my wet hair and dropped myself on my bed, hoping to fall asleep. I willed my heart to slow. I inhaled carefully as I counted slowly to ten and exhaled on the same cadence. My eyes started to droop and sleep was almost upon me.


I was jolted out of my sleep. I reached for the phone. Unknown number. This means another card must have been found.


“Yes, is this D? I’d like to meet you at The Jensen. I’ll be there in 30 minutes. It says you’ll do anything for 1 hour. Is that right?”

“Yes. I’ll be there. Leave the key with the front desk and I will come to the room. I’ll knock 3 times, 1 time and 3 times so you’ll know it’s me.”

“Great. Drink plenty of water before you come. Bring some with you please. Ask for extra towels at the front desk before you come up.”

Oh God. What can this be about? It didn’t matter, I was going to have to play or pay.

Knock, knock, knock…Knock…Knock, knock, knock.

My left arm held the bundle of towels to my body while I held the 6-pack of water from the convenience mart in my fingers. After rapping the code. I slipped the keycard in the slot and opened the door.

To my surprise, a gentleman in his 60s, dressed in a $1000 suit greeted me just as I opened the door. He immediately relieved me of the provisions and offered his hand to escort me in.

“Oh, you’re delightful, Miss D. Please come. Have a seat.”

He hung the Privacy Please sign on the door and locked it behind us.

He was 6-feet tall with dark wavy hair, graying at the temples. His build was athletic, not the dad bod or granddad bod one might expect.

He must have been evaluating my quizzical look. “Have you drunk your water? Are you comfortable?”

“I’m fine for the moment. I had 2 bottles of water before I left and you see I brought 6 more with me. What’s this all about?”

“I was led to believe you were able to provide anything I ask. Is that not the case?”

“Yes. that’s the deal, but so far, you’ve only asked me to meet you and bring towels and water, which I have done.”

He began spreading the extra towels on the bed. “Yes, yes. You have done all I’ve asked, but that was all before we started the clock. We still have 57 minutes remaining. “Please drink another bottle of water. Drink it right down.”

I took the first bottle from the pack and cracked open the plastic top. I watched him warily as I chugged it.

He removed his tie and placed it on the other chair by the window then sat on the edge of the bed.

“Please remove your clothes and lay them on the chair there. Bring the rest of the water to the nightstand and kneel here.” He pointed to his feet.

I laid my little black dress, black lacy bra and matching panties on the chair and knelt at his feet as he asked.

He cracked open another bottle of water and handed it to me, “Drink. Drink it all.”

I tipped my head back and downed it just as I did the last one. He brushed my cheek with the back of his left hand. “Lovely.”

He took the empty bottle from me and tossed it in the trash. “Please remove my shoes and place them out of the way.”

As I put his Italian leather shoes by the chair with his tie, he pushed himself up onto the center of the bed and leaned against the pillows.

“Now dear, come here.” He patted the bed. I sat on the bed beside him.

“Straddle my legs please, facing me.”

I turned and lifted my right knee over his legs and sat across his thighs.

“Up on your knees.”

He reached his right hand to my pussy. He pushed his flat hand down my pubic area, savoring the freshly shaved skin. “Very nice.” He stopped with his middle finger at the bottom of my slit. He folded it up and into the moist tunnel.

He tasted the clear fluid, “Exquisite vintage, but is there enough?” He put two fingers in and reached up to my G-spot, but I was more conscious of my full bladder.

“Yes. Very full,” he said as he stroked the inside of my vagina a few more times.

“Now for the fun. Please stand and put your foot on my shoulder.”

I know my face was projecting some strange expression that even I couldn’t name.

“Just do it. We still have 50 minutes.”

“I really need to pee. I’ll be right back.”

He grabbed my leg and said, “I know and you will stay right here. I was told I could have anything I want for this hour and I want a golden shower. Right here, right now.

He held my right ankle with his left hand while he thrust three fingers up my crease and squeezed like a vice against the wall of my vagina putting unbearable pressure on my bladder.

“Just let it go. We have plenty of towels. I’ve been looking for someone to do this for me for ages.”

He vigorously stroked my pussy while simultaneously pressing my clit with his thumb and staring eagerly into my face. I was definitely aroused by this strange taboo. His hand was getting creamy from my natural lubricant. I could feel both the urge to pee and a building orgasm All the bundle of nerves in my crotch were firing at once. I wasn’t going to be able to hold my water for much longer.

He leaned forward in anticipation seeing my breathing grow more labored. “C’mon, Miss D. Give me a shower. Cover me in your lady juice and urine. I’m ready.”

I could feel the hot stream start flowing and so could he. He closed his eyes as he pulled at my knees forcing butt to drop and my urethra to aim higher. The stream of pee caught him right in the forehead and ran down his face onto his expensive clothes.

The smile on his face was unnaturally broad. “Yes! More. Give me all of your water, Miss D.”

He continued fingering me until the stream ceased. He withdrew his hand and placed both hands under my ass and lowered me to the bed beside him. We lay back against the pile of pillows with his left arm over my shoulders holding me close.

I guess this was his idea of aftercare.

We sat for a few long minutes as our breathing and heart rates regained a more normal pace.

“Thank you,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “Please help yourself to the shower. Since you brought these up, there are plenty of fresh towels in there.”

I crawled off the end of the bed, gathered my clothes and went to shower. After dressing, I walked back to the table to fetch my purse and the FREE SEX card. I asked him to hold the card and lean toward the alarm clock for a quick proof of engagement photo. He flashed a thumbs up to the camera as the shutter sound clicked.

He took my hand and kissed it. “Thank you. I don’t know that would have ever got this off my bucket list without you tonight.”

“You’re welcome. That was something very different for me too.” I shook his hand and let myself out of the room. Maybe now I can get some sleep. I’ll take care of this card tomorrow.

My phone buzzed with an incoming message. I pulled it from my purse and found the response to my proof of engagement last night.

From BossLady — Now that was interesting. Keep your phone on. Card 13 is in play.

It was 4 pm and I was just thinking about grabbing an early dinner when the call came — Unknown number.

“This is D.”

An electronically altered voice read out an address then emphasized 6 pm. Sharp.

I shuddered involuntarily. This must be card 13.

Thanks to Dianne Herbert for another excellent challenge, FREE SEX Cards!

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Mr E's Erotic Stories
Exceptional Erotica

Full time management professional. Part time writer, mostly erotic stories told by men encountering strong women.