Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Fun With The New Neighbor

Colin Connatty
Exceptional Erotica
6 min readJul 27, 2023


It was Saturday morning and, after a boring night last night, she woke up feeling frisky. She reached for her phone but still hadn’t heard from her usual hook ups. There were only two of them but they had not responded to her requests. Their loss, she thought. She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get her day started. While the coffee brewed and she thought about what to do for breakfast she looked outside her kitchen window. She noticed a new neighbor had moved in across the street and was intrigued. He was handsome, looked fit and seemed friendly. Maybe I’ll see if he has any sugar, she thought.

She quickly put on her yoga pants and a top, put her hair up and headed out the door with a container for said sugar. She smiled at herself, thinking about how silly this request was but she didn’t care. She was horny and needed to fulfill her desire for intimacy. She was tired of being sloughed off by other guys and the games they played. She wanted something real with someone who was deserving and her new neighbor might just fit the bill.

She knocked on her door and waited. The door opened quickly and before her stood her new neighbor. Rugged and handsome with a great smile, he was quick to respond. “Hi there. Can I help you?”, he asked.

“Hi. I’m Callie. I live across the street and wanted to introduce myself.” She stood there, smiling as he stuck out his hand to shake hers.

“I’m Calvin. Nice to meet you Callie.” His handshake was firm and nice. Mmm, I love a firm grip, she thought. “How long have you lived here?”, he asked her with a slight smile.

“Uh, a couple of years. It’s a nice area for sure. I was wondering if you have any sugar I could borrow? Just wanted to get a coffee this morning and noticed that I’m out.” She caught herself biting her lower lip slightly and shifting her weight from one side to the other. Oh my God, I’m flirting so hard here. Get it together Callie, she thought.

He smiled at her and said, “Sure. Come on in and I’ll get you some.” The entrance was nice and not to different from her place. He has some taste, she thought looking around at the furniture and decorations that were in his house.

He brought the container back and they stood there chatting about each other for a few more minutes. He moved to the area after his divorce and he was looking to restart his life here. It was sad but he looked more hopeful than depressed.

“I’ve got more unpacking to do today. Hopefully I’ll be done soon,” Calvin said.

“If you like why don’t you come by my place for a meal tonight? I’m literally across the street and we can hang out and get to know each other better. I don’t want to keep you from unpacking and settling.” Oh God, I hope that doesn’t scare him off, she thought to herself. He’s hot.

“That sounds great. Would six work for you?”

“Six is perfect.” They ironed out the details and she left to get on with her day. She was excited to get ready for Calvin. She got coffee going and made a list of things to do before he arrived. She went shopping for supper and, once she got home had a bath and got ready. She was looking forward to tonight which was new for her. She hadn’t been on a real date in months. Most of the time it was one of two of her friends that showed up for a quick romp. But this time, it was going to be different. Go big or go home, she thought.

Just before six as she was finishing dinner preparations, there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find Calvin standing there holding a bottle of wine. “Come on in. Welcome,” she said. They both smiled as he entered the house.

“Nice place.” he said. “Looks a little familiar.” They both giggled at that. He opened the wine and they talked for a bit. She served dinner and they sat down at the counter in the kitchen talking while they ate. She caught herself flirting with him, caressing his arm and laughing at his stories. He would return the same gesture. She found herself getting aroused by his smile and his touch. Oh my God I want him so bad, she thought.

“Let’s sit outside on the deck.” They went outside with a glass of wine each and sat and chatted more. She caught him locking eyes with her as he reached down and touched her leg.

“Sorry if that’s to forward. I haven’t been with anyone since my divorce.” He looked down, almost embarrassed. She quickly reached out and pulled up on his chin.

“You have nothing to be sorry about.” She leaned in and kissed him. At first she could feel his surprise at that move. But he quickly responded and started kissing back, both quietly moaning, enjoying this.

“Let’s get back inside,” she whispered to him as she reached down and grabbed his hand.

When the door had closed she felt his arm reach around her and pull her toward him. He kissed her again, his hands all over her body, massaging her tits and grabbing her ass. She went to reach down and grab his cock but he quickly grabbed her ass and picked her up. She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist, all the while kissing each other. He walked her to the couch and laid her down, kissing down her body, sucking her nipples as his hand gently flowed down her body rubbing her pussy just as gently. He was forceful but not too much, which she enjoyed. She moaned in pleasure as his mouth and hand worked magic on her body. She was getting so turned on. She reached down and started caressing his hard cock through his shorts as he continued kissing down her body. He turned her so they were facing each other, her legs off the edge of the couch. He kissed her one more time, slowly, passionately before planting his face between her legs.

He started to kiss and slowly lick her clit, sucking gently and teasing her pussy with his fingers. “Mmm. Yes baby,” she moaned.

He continued to lick and suck as his fingers slid inside, but quickly back out, only to slide back in going deeper each time until he was knuckle deep and sliding faster as his tongue swirled around her clit. She started to breathe faster and moan louder.

“This feels so good baby. Don’t stop. I’m so close.” She practically yelled out. She could feel her pussy swell and clinch on his fingers as he kept sliding in and out of her. “I’m going to cum!!” she moaned as her pussy got creamy and waves of orgasmic bliss flooded her body. She felt her legs shake a bit at the intensity. Calvin just kept sucking and licking her clit, making sure she cum nice and long. She grabbed her head, standing him up and taking his pants off. She pushed him on the couch and leaned into him, kissing as she straddled his lap. “I want that cock baby.” she whispered out as she reached down and started stroking his shaft before sliding him inside. When she wrapped her pussy around his cock they both moaned in pleasure as she started to grind and rock slowly on his dick.

“Oh my God you feel amazing babe.” He moaned out. She started to bounce slightly as she rocked back and forth on his cock. She was amazed at how hard he was and how good this felt.

“You feel so good baby,” she purred as she started to bounce harder and faster. She put her hands on his shoulders and started to twerk on his cock, locking eyes with him as she did. She could feel his cock getting harder and her pussy clinching on it as she kept twerking and bouncing on his perfect dick. Almost together, they moaned out, “I’m going to cum!” She could feel her pussy get creamy as just before he exploded inside her, both cumming at the same together, their skin slapping together, her tits jiggling in his face as the most intense feeling of euphoria flooded over each other.

She stayed on his lap as they kissed, touching and caressing each other. She climbed off and cuddled with him, her head on his shoulder as they sat and chatted. They would keep touching each other, kissing and caressing each other before falling asleep.



Colin Connatty
Exceptional Erotica

Erotic short story writer, photographer. I write to entice your deepest desires. Read and enjoy. Lots more to come!