Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

Prince and Princess, Part 2

Aubrey Hawks
Exceptional Erotica
5 min readFeb 28, 2024


Your fairytale fantasy is now a trip to the dungeon.

You posed flirtatiously for Andar in your wicked black outfit, guiding his hand to your waist. “You approve?” you cooed. “My sorcerer?”

“Very much,” he said. Andar’s hands began sweeping down your hips to your thighs and squeezing gently. “Now you’re a queen in your own right. And you know I can give you so much more than Eric ever could.” The wicked man’s hands moved up to clasp your ass, and his touch grew rougher. “Tell him you reject him. Tell him your heart belongs to me,” Andar intoned, gazing deeply into your eyes.

“I can’t.” You looked over to your prince, who was still tied to the St. Andrew’s cross and looking truly miserable as he faced front. “Even if I married you, it would be a lie: since Eric and I swore a vow of true love.”

Andar met that line with the scowl it deserved, and grabbed you by the shoulders. “Enough childishness.” He was the crown jewel of your wish, every bit as cold and cruelly beautiful as you’d wished for. Already, you could feel the marks he would leave on your arms. You wanted his fury and disdain to mark you even further, until pain slid into cathartic pleasure. “The life you had before means nothing. You are my bride.” Every time Andar called you ‘his’, it made you wet. He glanced down haughtily as he shoved you aside, and marched towards Eric.

The one who’d made all this possible- he was born for the role of a fairytale prince and he knew it, with his strong build, sweet smile and gentlemanly ways. You also couldn’t help noticing that since Eric had been stripped of his clothes, he was rock-hard and enjoying this as much as you were. His perfect body was gleaming, as if bronzed by the sun. “Let her go and take me instead,” he pleaded with Andar.

“Do you see how weak he is, offering his body?” Andar laughed. “I would slay anyone who tried to take you from me. What do you see in this…this softling?” His strong hand ran down Eric’s cheek. “Soft and tender as the princess herself, no doubt,” he breathed, before running his nails down Eric’s chest. The prince’s anguished cries made him laugh, digging into the nipples and pinching. From nowhere, the enchanter produced two silver clamps, and locked them onto Eric’s nipples. Soon the young man was squirming against his bonds, as pain and pleasure cut into him like a whip. “That is your place, Prince Coward,” he hissed. “And you shall learn to enjoy it.”

“More, my lord,” Eric said defiantly. The tip of his cock was wet and swollen, begging for the touch of another.

The enchanter laughed, and for the first time, he opened his shirt. For a man old enough to be your father, Andar was still quite muscular. The rich, dark hair on his chest added to the effect of his long hair and beard, and he still had the bearing of a king. “More, little princeling?” he said as he rubbed up against Eric, making that first pearly drop fall from the prince’s cock. “You want me to ravish you in front of your betrothed?”

“Yes!” Eric cried rapturously. “I would die for her. I would let you use me.”

“Do it,” you said, sensing their excitement. “And then you’ll do the same for him, fuck me and make him watch.”

Andar didn’t even answer, just began nipping at Eric’s neck. His hands were working their way down to stroke and admire…until his pale fingers wrapped around Eric’s ten-inch cock. He began pumping the young man with one hand, and used the other to yank at Eric’s hair. It looked almost like he was brutalizing him, reducing the man you loved to a thing for his pleasure. Over the other man’s shoulder, Eric gave you a wink, as if to say: having fun?

Slowly, you nodded. You could almost let yourself believe the scenario of your dream, since Eric had swept you away before the dream even started. What would be it be like, to be his lover and be so tempted by him- and never give in? And now here he was, coming undone so beautifully: there was sweat running down his chest, and you could see the bruises blooming on his neck. The man’s touch drew Eric in like a magnet, and even though you couldn’t see Andar’s face, you could feel the same pull he exuded. Watching him tear Eric apart was a thing of beauty. “We can’t have you finishing too soon,” the enchanter whispered as he pulled his hands away. “Did you dream of her, being the one to touch you like this? So gentle. Or perhaps a man…a strong, older man, who knows how to take care of you.” Under his breath, he laughed, and turned back to you. “I think you should do the honors, my queen.”

“Let her try,” Eric said, and you recognized the look of mischief in his eye, from when you first met.

Andar tossed his cloak aside, standing before you with his shirt open. He placed his hands behind his back, and when they came before you once more, he held a riding crop. “You’ve been dressed for the part. Now play it.”

Somehow, you knew Eric would want you to go as far as possible. You took the riding crop from Andar and when you looked up, Eric had been turned around so his back was to you. It was smooth and unspoiled, and his ass looked invitingly firm. “Eric, I have to do this,” you said softly. The excitement made you almost drop the riding crop, and you gripped it tighter. Now it was raised over your head, and there would be no going back.

“Do it, my love,” Eric cried, and you brought the crop down with a loud THWACK against his ass. He groaned in ecstasy, and Andar smiled at you.

“He can take more. Harder!” You drew closer and applied more force, and the crop sang as it came down once more. “Do you see how I’ve ruined you, Prince? How your sweetheart enjoys ruining you too? I was just going to kill you, but this is far more satisfying.”

“Yes, it is,” you whispered, staring as you saw Eric trembling for more.



Aubrey Hawks
Exceptional Erotica

They/Them. Switch is my middle name. Sensual erotica with a dark yet delicate edge.