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Station to Station | Romance

Stations Of the Cross

March 26, 1989 — God is great, God is good….. Amen.

Agency Magazine
Published in
9 min readApr 6, 2023


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Station to Station: Easter

2 stories

“Oh my God. Why does it smell like old people died here?” he mumbled under his breath.

The room, though poorly lit, was still and quiet. No one was there, as far as he could tell. Fuck if he cared if anyone was. He had to figure out how to talk to the big cheese. Get some clarity in his life. Maybe God would read him his fortune. Tell him who he needed to be with.

“All the old people died here,” he grinned.

Of course — Sloane! Sloane, it was always Sloane. But shit, with Jack beating the shit out of her, him beating the shit out of Jack, creaming Jack’s car with a baseball bat, and then getting off without so much as a fee, it had not been a great couple of weeks for…



Agency Magazine

Multi-genre fiction writer, blogger, editor, and owner of the Agency Magazine which specializes in dark fiction, sexy poetry, and erotica