Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


Summer Surprise

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. But when your long-distance partner visits, how will you surprise them?

5 min readMay 26, 2024


“Who still writes a letter long hand?”

You look up to see your colleague holding out a heavy parchment envelope along with some plain ones.

“Ah!” A knowing smile illuminates their face as they snatch the envelope away from your reach. “Do tell!”

“My partner.” You try to be evasive, quickly rearranging your face to what you hope doesn’t reveal the excitement and longing. But the simple word ‘partner’ sends jitters through you. “We’re long distance, so we like simple romantic gestures.”

“Simple?” They arch an eyebrow. “This is exquisite parchment … and it looks like they used a fountain pen … nice penmanship.”

You finally manage to snatch the envelope from them. “Perhaps you should look into simple tokens of affection with your spouse.” You smile, running your fingers over the heavy parchment, feeling the smooth texture, the slight indentation of the penmanship. “I’ll take this over whatever crap Hallmark is selling any day.”



Erotica that combines & contrasts opposing approaches, pushes boundaries and challenging concepts, and discovers tales hidden in the crevices of humanity.