Bellisima the Librarian (my AI art)

The Goblin Queen Part 1

Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica
7 min readSep 28, 2023


The Librarian

For some days after my first visit to Goblin Combe I tried to restrain myself from inviting the goblins into my room at night. But after a while I would say “Perhaps if just one goblin came into my room that might be okay.” I would not say this to myself, of course, I would say it pointedly to the empty room, and to the goblins on the other side of the mirror.

There would be a pause as they worked out who got to go (I believe it involved drawing straws), and soon there would be a quiet scuffling along the carpet as the lucky goblin made their way crawling towards my bed. To be safe, they would always reach up into the bed to pinch my nipple to make sure I got into the mood, and I would squirm and wriggle with pleasure until I grabbed the little green devil and pulled him up onto the bed.

I loved the feel of their shiny hard cocks on my tongue, and tended to go down on them immediately. They were really well endowed for their size, and I spent some time enjoying the throbby stiff member while they whimpered, until I just needed to have it in me, and so I sat across them and let myself down onto the quivering shaft.

But, of course, as soon as I got grinding away on him, I really wanted one in my mouth as well. And then it seemed such a waste that my bottom was not getting any, as I knew that there would be some goblin that would be made very happy to also be invited in. So inevitably I would end up with three, and once they were done, I really could not resist the thought of the others waiting hopefully on the other side of the mirror.

So all day as I went about my business going to classes at the university, or studying in the library, or eating in the refectory, or looking in the bookstore, goblin sex was always on my mind. I was starting to think that I should go for an extended stay of perhaps a few days, when I stumbled across a book on shibari Japanese bondage techniques in Blackwell’s Bookstore. I realised that the excellent pictures would make it very easy for the head knot-goblin, Bob, to improve his bondage game. I also picked up a well-illustrated book on pleasuring women. I thought that Toby would love that! Then that reminded me, I was going to be their Librarian! All those books that I said I would sort! I resolved then to go and not come back until the library was sorted!

Soon I was standing naked in front of my mirror wearing my black leather “Librarian” collar, with the two new books in my hand.

“So how do I get through, then?” I said. Immediately Dob jumped through the mirror. He was always immediately recognisable by the red fez that he typically wore, and the confused expression he usually had. Dob grabbed my hand, and walked me up to the mirror. Immediately I could see by his reflection that he was confused again.

“Hang on…” he said.

“What we do is put our hands through,” said the voice of Cob, who I largely took as the unofficial leader of the goblin mob. His hand came through slowly, but seemed to be reaching towards Dob’s head.

Whack! Went Cob’s hand upside Dob’s head, and the fez went spinning to the ground. While Dob went scurrying for his hat, Cob’s hand grabbed mine, and pulled me through the mirror.

We were actually in the library, where there was a large standing mirror. Rather than reflect the library, there seemed to be small doorway into my dorm room within the ornate gilt frame, and on the other side a rather panicked Dob who was now trapped in my bedroom.

“You can’t leave him there,” I said. “He might wander off! Besides, he’s leaving smudges on my mirror.” Dob was pushing his nose and hands up against the mirror. He had a very long nose, so Cob reached through, grabbed him by the nose, and pulled him through.

“Ye just think of where ye want to go, yer daft as a brush!” Cob admonished Dob, accentuating the lesson with a slap upside the head.

“Does it work for me?” I asked. I stepped to the mirror and thought of my bedroom back home, not my dorm room, and there it was. “Nice!” I said.

The library was a beautiful space, with ancient tomes and scrolls in shelf after shelf. Many of them were too old for me to read properly, some of them were in Latin, while others were indecipherable to me in Greek or Arabic.

“Okay, time to start sorting things out. But first, where’s Bob?” He jumped forward and saluted. All the goblins wore very little clothing, usually a loin-cloth and a belt of some sort, but seemed to have a liking for unusual hats and big boots. Bob wore a beret, which was a helpfully alliterative aide memoire. I set him down at a reading table with the bondage book I had bought. He was very excited.

I called for Toby, the expert of the “Cunning English” which they now all insisted on saying instead of “cunnilingus”, and gave him the second book I had acquired. His eyes become so wide I thought they would pop out.

“Now!” I said, turning to the rest of them. “Are the rest of you here to gawk or work?”

“Gawk!” said Dob, smiling. An adjacent goblin slapped his head.

“You can stay if you are here to work! I’m the Librarian, so here I am in charge, okay? And no shenanigans!” Their heads nodded so vigorously their rears flapped and a couple of hats fell off. “Now do any of you read?” It turned out a few of them did, some even reading Latin and Greek. Most of the books were in sets, and it was easy to see if a book was missing from the set, and what the colour of the binding on the set looked like. Ones who couldn’t read helped the others, or held my ladder as I climbed up to reshelve books. This was a very popular job, and led to a lot of drooling, what with me not wearing anything. Sometimes I would look down and see Toby looking up, then comparing with an illustration in the book.

Bob and Toby were both enthralled by the new additions to the library, as were a couple of others who they had to swat away from turning the pages. Bob seemed content at first to practice knot-tying with a spare bit of rope he carried for emergencies, but Toby was often underfoot trying take a peek and make comparisons with his book. Finally I’d had enough of it and sat down on the library table with my legs apart so he could have a good look.

Immediately he got in close with the book, identifying all my parts and reading them out to the others who all clustered around. Then his eyes looked hopefully up at mine and his finger slowly started to move towards me.

“No shenanigans!” I said although I would have to admit I was actually getting quite wet. I bit my lip as his finger stroked my moist labia, gently pushing them aside to run his finger through the wetness. I inhaled sharply when his little finger came up into my vagina and probed into the aroused flesh. Then it swept up to play around the hood of my clit. He gently pushed it back to reveal my hot throbbing little cherry. He looked up at me now, his eyes wide, and then slowly, imperceptibly at first, his head started moving towards my pussy. At the same time, his tongue slowly moved from between his lips. Glacially he moved forward, his tongue now sticking out, and his eyes full of hope. I got wetter and wetter as my heart beat faster and faster. Finally his tongue collided very slowly with my clit and I inhaled sharply.

As Toby eagerly licked at my pussy, other goblin fingers tweaked my nipples, gently at first, then harder. I groaned aloud now as the clever goblins started to break down my resolve, and I was surrounded by an array of bright green dicks…

“No!” I shouted. “No shenanigans in the library!”

“Awwww!” they all chorused. I pushed them off and got unsteadily back to my feet. I looked crossly at their disappointed and contrite faces, but then Bob came up to me.

“Miss Bellisima, Do you like being tied up?” He asked.

“Well, yes Bob, I suppose I do, especially when you do it.” I smiled and bopped his nose.

“Have you seen the dungeon?” he whispered. “I could tie you up really good down there!”

“Oh! Um, really? There’s an actual dungeon?” I started to get flustered again. “Um, well, we have done such a lot of work, maybe we could have a look?” Bob’s smile took over most of his face, and he took me by the hand to lead me through the castle, the rest of the goblins trailing behind, probably thinking, like me, that a dungeon IS somewhere that shenanigans were likely. Stone-cut stairs spiralled downwards, dimly lit by deep narrow windows. Finally an ancient doorway creaked open, and there was a large open room filled with strange devices, the walls lined with cells.

The dungeon had everything you could imagine. A rack, stocks, a pillory, uncomfortable-looking chairs, and all sorts of posts and beams with manacles and chains hanging from them. My heart raced to see them all, thinking of all the fun that someone could have by putting me in them. But then I saw the Iron Maiden. Being a history nerd with an interest in BDSM I knew that these were a 19th century Gothic invention, and not a real torture device at all.

“Hang on, where does all this stuff come from?” The goblins were suddenly not as happy as they had been, and glanced nervously at each other.

“I had it made,” came a voice from the darkness. “For you.”

It was the voice of the Goblin King…



Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!