Bellisima in the Goblin dungeon (my AI art)

The Goblin Queen Part 2

Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica
8 min readSep 30, 2023


The Goblin Dungeon

I stood naked in the dungeons of the Goblin Castle, surrounded by implements of torture and very excited goblins. We had plans for a bit of fun, but we had been found by the Goblin King. He slowly walked into the dim light, behind him came the Major-domo who was a goblin like the others, although much better behaved and better dressed. He lit candles with a long taper as he followed the King. The Goblin King, however, did not look much like a goblin at all, but looked like a slender man, except for the long pointed ears.

“I did offer to lock you in my dungeon,” said the Goblin king. “I acquired new, ah, equipment for it to make it more interesting if you changed your mind.”

“Oh, um, thank you, um, your majesty.” He always unsettled me a little. In a way I wanted to show him some appropriate degree of respect if only because the goblins deferred to him so completely. But when we had last met face to face he threatened to make me his “obedient ickle slave slut” in his dungeon, and here we were in his dungeon. I will admit that the idea gave me a bit of a thrill.

“Just ‘Sir’ will do,” he said. “Of course, with all these interesting devices, perhaps I could persuade you to call me something else.” My heart raced. The devices had indeed piqued my curiosity, and with the goblins we might have had fun. With him it would be something else entirely.

“So, I was thinking that now you are responsible for the Library, it occurred to me that perhaps we should consider disciplinary procedures…” his hand came up, and his finger idly caressed my nipple, making my breast heave even more. I could feel my pussy becoming hot, and I imagined that my expression was telling him that I would be unable to resist him now, especially here surrounded by goblins and intriguing devices.

“Yes,” said the Goblin King, as his fingers gripped my nipple, gently rolling it between them. “I think perhaps that if you put books back into the wrong place, some punishment would be deserved. Don’t you think?”

“Um..if you say so, Sir.” I was having problems thinking, I could feel the goblins around my thighs now, their hands gently resting on my skin, other hands holding my wrists, and damn him, they must have told him about my nipple weakness!

“Perhaps it’s time to try out the pillory, gentlemen.” Suddenly the goblins around me were firmly but gently pushing and pulling me towards a wooden pillory. When we got to them, the Goblin King lifted the top beam up. No-one pushed me down into the waiting grooves for my neck and wrists, the goblins weren’t really tall enough. But they all wanted me to bend over so very much, hope was in all of their eyes, from the Goblin King down to the smallest of the little green devils.

I gave the Goblin King one last look in his eyes. He knew in that moment that I would submit to him, and the look of mastery that came over his face showed that he knew that I was his. I slowly bent over and placed my wrists in the grooves made for them, and then lay my neck in the larger groove. The Goblin King lowered the upper beam, and locked it in place, then some of the goblins manacled my ankles to chains attached to the pillory. I was now completely helpless and entirely subject to his will.

“So, I have decided to make you my obedient ickle slave slut after all. I believe the present vernacular term is ‘fuck-toy.’ Also, given that when I have enjoyed you I will be permitting my minions to use you to the fullest of their desires, you will become that other charming current term, a ‘cum-dump.’” I writhed in my bonds as the goblins all sniggered and giggled. If I wished to resist I would get no assistance there.

“It helps if you be a tweaking her nipples, your honour,” said Cob helpfully. No, clearly they would not be of any help at all, at least, no help in gaining my liberty.

“Thank you Cob! Perhaps you and Nobby would like to take charge of that!” They did not need to be told twice, soon their experience in fondling my boobs was going to pay off for them, because they knew exactly how I liked to be tweaked. I moaned as they tugged and pulled, and the crowd laughed in approval.

“Major-domo, the cane.” My heart raced at the word. I knew those things hurt only too well. The Major-domo appeared in my line of sight, grinning from ear-to-ear and wielding a nice whippy cane. “Show it to my ickle slave slut.” He did so, and I then looked up into the Goblin King’s eyes, for he was still sufficiently far away. He knew that he had conquered me completely, and it was just a matter of how deep would be my submission. I cast my eyes to the ground again.

“Now, my obedient ickle slave slut, you will suck my cock, while the Major-Domo punishes you. Understood?” I nodded. “I will signal for the blows, but there is not a determined number. The punishment will continue until you submit completely and unreservedly to being my obedient ickle slave slut, and you recognise my authority over you, to use you as I wish. Understood?” I nodded again. “When we are done, I will own you completely. Understood?” I nodded again.

“Well perhaps we should start as we mean to go on, you will say ‘Yes Master’. Understood?” I hesitated, and then WHACK! The cane came down across my buttocks.

“Ow!! Yes Master!”

“That’s better, now open your mouth.” I obeyed, and he stood before me, unbuttoning his breeches. I could see his rigid cock through the fabric, and then as he reached the last button it was released, springing out towards me like a weapon. He pulled my hair to lift my head, and rubbed it onto my face as I licked it. The Goblin King rested the tip of his cock in my mouth so that I could lick and suck it, then he thrust deeper and deeper, until it drove into my throat. Then WHACK! came the blow, burning across my bum.

He withdrew his cock from the back of my throat, allowing me to breathe. I licked and sucked eagerly, hoping it would distract me from the pain. He thrust his cock deep into my throat and WHACK! Again he allowed me to breathe, then thrust his rigid member deep into my throat once more, and WHACK! This continued for three more blows, and then he retracted completely. He pushed his throbbing wet cock up against my face, as I licked and kissed it, and begged.

“Please Master. Please. I am your ickle slave slut like you want. Please don’t cane me again!”

“Hmm. So you submit to me completely, do you?

“Yes Master!”

“You are my property, to do with as I wish.”

“Yes Master!”

“However I was enjoying having you caned, and you will submit to it. Understood?”

“Please Master!”

“Understood?” he asked again, more severely. I sobbed a little.

“Yes Master, please do with me as you wish.”

WHACK! Came the cane, and I submitted further to my Master, sinking into the pain and the complete compliance to his will. WHACK!

“Please,” I whimpered. WHACK! The blows crushed me down until I felt like I was the ground beneath my Master’s feet. WHACK!

“Ohh, Master!” I moaned.

“Yes, that will do for now.” He walked around to my bottom, and caressed the sore cheeks, his cool hand comforting the wheals. Then his hands slipped down to my pussy, now dripping wet. His fingers swept up my nether lips with a tantalisingly light touch, and then slipped into me without hindrance. His wet fingers came up to my clit, and stroked it firmly as I groaned.

“Oh Master!”

“Beg, and your Master will enter you, slave.”

“Please fuck me, Master. Please, I want you in me so much.” Then I felt something larger and hotter pushed against my labia, and then he thrust his throbbing cock deep into me. His shaft worked on me as I groaned in ecstasy, and my body clenched around his driving member. Harder and faster he fucked me, releasing pent-up desire of who knows how long he had wanted me.

“Who owns you?” he shouted.

“You do Master! You do!”

“Yes I fucking do! *I* own you!”

Finally he came, and with fierce thrusts he filled me with his seed, my pulsing pussy milking him of every drop. After some time he withdrew, and walked around to thrust his dripping cock into my face.

“Lick it clean, cum-slut.” I eagerly complied. “Yes, you hunger for goblin cum, don’t you, you little strumpet. Well you will get it.” He stepped back and buttoned up his britches again. “Gentlemen, our obedient ickle slave slut hungers for your seed, have at it!” The goblins did not need to be told twice. Soon I was swamped by a horde of ithyphallic goblins, all vying for the most favoured parts of my anatomy. Massive cocks were inserted into every orifice, while pinching fingers and lascivious tongues enjoyed the rest of me. I was thrown about in a storm of ecstasy as wave after wave of orgasm fell on me.

Finally, they were all satisfied, and I was released from the pillory, to sit in a cum- covered quivering and pulsing mess on the floor. The Goblin King came to stand in front of me.

“Kneel before your Master slave, your knees apart, your back straight, your head upright and your eyes cast down.”

“Yes Master,” I said, and struggled to comply. “Like this, Master?”

“Yes, slut. Your Master is pleased. Now, I am going to collar you with a slave collar. When you accept my collar, you acknowledge my complete authority over you, and your complete submission to my will. You are my property to do with as I wish, and to use freely. Your acceptance of my collar means that you recognise my ownership of you, and that this is a proper and right thing. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.

“Now, raise your hair to reveal you neck.”

“Yes Master,” I did as I was ordered, and the Major-domo stepped forward to remove the Librarian collar. The Goblin King stepped forward to show me the collar. It had “Obedient ickle slave slut” written on it.

“Do you accept this collar and all that it symbolises?”

“Yes, Master, I accept your collar.” He reached down and buckled it around my throat, and I officially became the obedient ickle slave slut of Goblin Combe.

“Now gentlemen, take her to the pool to cleanse and freshen her up, and we will do it again.”



Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!