Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

The Italian Stallion and the Big Squirt

Virginia L. Fuentes
Exceptional Erotica
8 min readFeb 1, 2024


I can feel the droplets from the bathroom sink, where only moments ago he had been brushing his teeth, dripping down the small of my back, the hard ends of the wood countertop pressing into my butt cheeks. His hands reach around my neck, a hungry smile on his lips and trouble brewing in his eyes as he pulls me in.

What the fuck am I doing, I think. I’m fifty damn years old, and this kid, albeit good looking, is maybe thirty. I’ve been staying at a hostel in Barcelona and was just buttoning up my shirt, getting ready for a day of sightseeing when the Stallion barged in, still hyped — or perhaps coked — up from his night of celebrating a friend’s birthday.

Only a moment ago he had made a joke about arriving minutes too late, now my tongue darts out in response to his, curling like a cat o’ nine tails as he takes one final step in, pinning me exactly where he wants me, at his mercy.

Fuck that.

Needing to rebalance the power, I lift my left leg and place my foot on the wall behind him. Using my new gained leverage to grind my hips into his, I slide my hand up his leg, teasingly grazing his bulge. Continuing over his belt buckle with the slightest of pauses, I grace him with a gentle smile before biting the bottom corner of my lip. My fingers curl over his chest and then turn to grip his shirt. My other hand tracing every bump of his abs, I move my leg off the wall and wrap it around his waist, pulling him and that lovely bulge even closer.

“You hard yet?” I ask, a full-on smile on my lips. I pull off his shirt so I can take in the chiseled l chest he’s obviously worked so hard on, the golden tan from the hot Barcelona sun, his hard, dark nipples begging to be played with, even if they don’t know it. Good, I think, as I feel his response push up against my black satin and lace panties.

My foot back on the wall behind him, I put a hand on each shoulder and push him downward until he’s kneeling between my knees. I stare down, my pussy tingling as I watch him watch me, my hand caressing the soft edges of the lace before I slide a finger inside, taking in a sudden breath of air as she clenches around my finger. God damn, she feels wet and lovely. I pull my finger quickly in and out before tracing his lips with my glistening finger, teasing him with the sweet, beautiful scent before allowing him a taste.

He dives into me before I get a chance to shove my panties to the side, pulling at the fabric with his teeth. “That’s a good boy,” I say with a throaty laugh, getting a hold of the hair on the back of his neck and pushing his face further into me as I heave my hips toward him. His tongue traces my lips before his mouth grabs hold of my clit, sucking harder as I voice my approval. “Fuck, yes,” I moan. The man knows what he’s doing, and I plan to take full advantage. I can’t remember the last time someone made me cum. It’s been months too long.

Encouraged, he glides a couple of fingers inside of me, curling the tips just so until he hears me gasp. Now, he’s the one smiling. But I refuse to make things easy for him. This is my favorite part, after all. I lift my other leg, placing both hands on the counter as I push myself toward him, “keep going and don’t fucking stop,” I mutter. He nods his head back and forth as he works my clit. Fuck, she’s about to go.

“You ok if I squirt?” I ask, always scared of their reaction. It normally takes me a while to build up to this, if not due to my insecurities then their lack of know-how failing to get me there. But not today. For whatever reason, not with this man. It reminds me of El Uruguayo, the one who fit like a lost glove and spent hours making me happy, but I push him out of my head. Fuck you, Sebastian, this man’s about to make me cum. Just then, the Italian Stallion flicks my clit with his tongue as his fingers tickle my soft spot. And there she goes, the first nice trickle of cum finally releasing itself.

Game on, I think, knowing now that I’m there, it will be the first of many. I almost feel sorry for the guy until I see the look on his face as he tastes me. He seems to be doing just fine. “Harder,” I tell him, yanking his face toward me with one hand, the other arm holding me up so I can push myself into his eager mouth. He sucks harder, pulling away just to tease and pull on my lips, hoping to edge me along even further.

Sensing I’m a little too close to orgasm and knowing that holding off will only make me cum harder, I slow down for a moment, pulling my hand back and placing my ass back on the counter. I enjoy seeing him kneeling between my legs, like how sexy my leg looks, my high heels pressed up against the wall. My tits are starting to spill over the top of my bra, bouncing as I move. They look sumptuous, but the poor girls are screaming to be touched, my hard nipples tingling as they brush up against the edge of my bra. I release one and squeeze hard, making myself yelp. Fuck.

Watching him finger me, I put a couple of fingers in my mouth and get them nice and wet. Just as he gazes up at me, I wrap my wet fingers around my nipples, flicking them back and forth before giving them another hard pinch that darts shockwaves straight to my pussy, making her clench. Needing more, I rip my bra off and drop it beside him, grasping at my breasts as I lean my back against the mirror, both of my legs wrapping around his head and shoulders. His tongue traces my lips again, sliding for a moment to the top of my thighs, he gives a playful bite followed by a soft kiss before swooping back in, increasing the pressure on my clit with his tongue while slamming his fingers into me. “Careful,” I warn, “she’s gonna blow again.” His eyes lighting up with excitement, he maintains his rhythm and pressure until she erupts, releasing her sweet juices onto his anxiously awaiting mouth.

The fact that he’s so into it turns me on even more and allows me to relax, which means I can cum a few more times before I decide to change positions. Letting completely go, I shove my pussy hard into his mouth until the orgasms come harder and harder, releasing more and more every time. I yank down the white towel I just used for my shower as he pulls his face away and rubs my clit hard and fast with his fingers, a scream erupting as I cum harder than I have in a long, long time. Fuck the Uruguayo, I think, squirting all over this poor man’s face.

I place my feet on the ground, grab each of his hands with mine and pull him up toward me. “Go, lie down,” I say, unbuckling his pants and spinning him around toward the bed. I toss him a condom as I step out of my sopping-wet panties. The condom now on, I get a good look at his hard, nicely sized penis, and I’m glad to see that it’s nice and thick. Here, “put this under your lower back,” I tell him, handing him a pillow.

He does as he’s told, his gaze following me as I put on some music and lock the door. I climb on top and slide him inside of me. He fills me up perfectly, the walls of my pussy clenching tightly around him. Fuck does he ever feel good. I slowly start to grind him further into me, needing to make contact in all the right places. And there it is. I pick up speed as I feel my clit grinding against him. His eyes are wide as he stares at my tits, reaching for them with the joy of a kid grabbing for candy. Of course, it makes me think of HIM, the one that shall not be named, his eyes wide as saucers as he stared at me, “God, I can’t believe I get to fuck someone as beautiful as you,” he muttered seconds before I smothered him with my breasts.

Well, fuck him too, I think, forcing him out of my head as I slide my hand under the Stallion’s ass; it’s like driving a well-made Italian car. A stick shift, I think, laughing at my own horrible joke. The Stallion’s eyebrows furl together. I shake my head gently back and forth and ignore the unstated question. “I love this song,” I say, placing my other hand on his chest and gently pinching his nipple as I grind my hips to the music, picking up pace as I start to climax yet again. I know this is mostly for me. I’m sure the man would rather I be bouncing up and down, but frankly, I don’t care.

I’m moving so fast I’m sweating and breathless as I feel my pussy convulsing, squeezing herself around his cock as she cums. But I’m not ready to stop. I know she can cum harder, and damn it, does she ever need to. I pull his ass toward me with my hand, needing more pressure, but it’s not enough to get me there, so I reach my hand between my legs and rub my clit, and it sends me over the edge.

Seeing him get off on watching me turns me on even more, so I rub harder while pinching my nipple with my other hand. “I’m cumming,” I yell, only slowing for a second before going after another one, and this time, I can feel she’s about to explode. The thought of squirting all over him is enough to almost get me there. I move my foot up so I can grind faster and harder against him, and suddenly, I feel her gushing all over him. “Oh, god, don’t cum,” I say, needing one final one before I let him finish. And there she goes, with a guttural scream, the total expulsion of all she had left in her in one final huge squirt spraying all over his cock and the poor hostel mattress.

I place my hands on his chest and close my eyes until I catch my breath and gather my composure.

“Fuck me from behind? Please?” I ask kindly, hoping the soft smile and feigned innocence may help him finish faster. “Seguro, Señora,” he says eagerly. The man isn’t small, and he’s overly anxious, so I’m a little worried. This position always hurts. But I can’t lie. I love how dirty it makes me feel.

Giddy up boy, this woman’s got places to be.





Virginia L. Fuentes
Exceptional Erotica

I share opinions and stories—fictional and non—about relationships, dating and sex, from a mid-life perspective and with an erotic twist.