Ysabel (Belle) the Witch (my AI art)

Fantasy Erotica

The Witch and the Creature

Ysabel the Witch Part Two

Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica
8 min readJan 31, 2024


“By the North and the South I evoke thee oh Pook!

By the East and the West I evoke thee, oh Pook!

By Air, Fire, and Water I evoke thee, oh Pook!

But by the Earth I command thee, oh Pook!

Come! And do my bidding!”

I stared at the five-pointed star I had drawn on the massive upright stone in the wall. It seemed to stare back rather blankly.

“Did it work?”

“It would seem not,” said Agnes. She thought for a while. “Take your kirtle gown off. No Pook could resist a naked girl. And when you say ‘Earth’, you really need to really feel the stone under your feet. Pooks are creatures of the Earth, and it is by Earth they are mostly summoned. So think like a tree, with the magic reaching like your roots deep and dark into the ground. And maybe more authority! You aren’t inviting him for supper, you are evoking him to extract magical matter from him.”

“What if I called it a goblin?”

“No! Earth creatures obey the tongues of the land where they dwell, pookas they were since before the Romans came and so it will be after the Normans have left! Pooks is what we call them, so that’s how you evoke them!”

I took off my kirtle, splayed my toes across the cold stone of the floor, adjusted the ancient amulet that Agnes had loaned me, and conjured again. With all my soul I called on the power of the cardinal directions and I called on the influence of the elements, but above all I felt my toes sink into the rock like the roots of a mighty oak, and I evoked as though my life depended on it.

The markings on the stone glowed, and I conjured again. Brighter became the light, and I continued to chant. Light poured through the symbol, and then there he was, green and a little over half my height.

“Oi!” he cried “Wassup?” But quite quickly he saw me standing in front of him. “Oooo! Hags! Noice!” It did not seem to bother him at all that I went down on my knees in front of him, and gently started fondling his bollocks.

“Ooooh, that’s right noice, that is!” His green cock rose in response, a huge one for his size, and it throbbed like he had the heart of a horse rather than a little pook. He quickly became erect, and my hand went around the shaft to give it a good squeeze as I tongued the shining green head of his weapon. Looking up into his deliriously happy face I took his pulsing prick into my mouth and slowly sucked. I worked at it for some time as he gurgled and his tongue lolled out.

“Go on, Belle, turn around and stick him in your cunny.”

“Can I?” Agnes nodded and I immediately spun around to present my hind quarters towards the pook, I couldn’t work out how else to do it with him bound to the stone and all. Agnes guided me towards him, and grabbed his throbbing cock to steer it into me. At first she just rubbed the soft stiff head against my wet cunny and I groaned at the arousal, pushing my body towards the pook.

“Ooh!” I cried, as I pushed my hot wet body onto his huge throbbing cock. Deeper and deeper into me it went. It was so big, I felt like I was being impaled on a pole, but I thrust myself onto him until my buttocks pushed hard against his pelvis.

“Ooohhh thas good!” the pook commented as my buttocks ground into him. At first it hurt a little, but I was enjoying it way too much to care and the pain quickly went away while the enjoyment increased. I cried aloud to God with a fervor that would have impressed the Abbot as my Arse slammed repeatedly into the pook. If I was concerned for the well-being of the diminutive green fellow I certainly did not show it.

Finally the pook shot a massive load of seed into me and I groaned in ecstasy, clenching his pulsing prick with my quivering cunny. I didn’t want it to end, and it stayed stiff for ages, but his seed sloshed around and eventually I pulled myself off. Agnes bade me squat down and push as much pook seed out as possible and to catch it in a cup. She then taught me to dismiss the happy pook.

I now knew why she evoked these creatures, as she used their essence in many potions and elixirs, as it was deeply magical. Their blood also worked well, but she and many hex-women before her had found that the demons would be more forgiving of pleasuring them into providing their essence.

For a few days after that I pestered Agnes about seeing the demon Zababa again. She was not enthusiastic, and started to worry that I would gain the power to release him. I promised that if I ever released him, it would not be near the cottage or her. He could do what he liked with me, but she would be safe. She said she would think about it, but before that there were other creatures she wanted to summon.

That week we evoked several more pooks and an orc. But then there was a particularly dangerous creature that she called “The Abyssal”. The creature took a lot of preparation by Agnes which she said was from “Beyond” and normal evocations did not work on it.

Finally it was time, and there were a number of unusual preparations, including for the first time she brought a sword into the room. Agnes’ growing anxiety was also making me uneasy, but she had promised that if we did the Abyssal, I would see Zababa again.

Finally the time came and we began the ritual in the undercroft of Agnes’ cottage. Agnes evoked in so many languages that all I could do was stand naked in front of the pentagram, like an offering to an ancient god. I suppose in a way I was.

“It’s not going to eat me, is it?”

“I hope not! I’m hoping it will want to mate with you.”

“Oh.” I said. Given that she herself seemed anxious by the creature, I thought I probably had more reason to be anxious!

Again the pentagram started to glow as Agnes chanted her evocation, and slowly something formed in the light emanating from the symbol. Suddenly a whip-like limb lashed out of the light and wrapped itself around my neck. It was tight, and I tried to pull it off, but it started pulling me towards the form taking shape.

“Don’t fight it, Belle! Let it take you or it will be worse!” Agnes was keeping well out of reach, however I was not. Other long whip-like limbs lashed out at me, grabbing my wrists and waist, and slowly pulled me towards the creature. It seemed to have eyes, quite a lot in fact, some on stalks like a snail’s, others on what may have been its head judging by the large maw in it. Its teeth looked long and sharp, but if anything it’s tongue looked more alarming.

I was pulled in close now, my naked body covered by squirming writhing slimy limbs like the bodies of snakes. There were so many limbs, and they wound tightly around my arms and legs, pulling them until it was I that was bound spread-eagled in the pentagram on top of the soft clammy skin of the creature. Its long hot tongue explored all over my body, probing and tasting me. Other limbs now appeared, shaped more like large snakes with heads, and they writhed across my rigidly restricted body. I felt them probe and push against my cunny and my arsehole.

Strangely, I was feeling pleasure from the experience, and the limb thrusting at my cunny entered me, as I was so wet with arousal. My mouth opened, and I inhaled from the delightful feeling, and then other limbs quickly entered my mouth.

The smaller feelers worked at my arsehole as the limb at my cunny thrust deeper and deeper into me. I would have groaned with the pleasure, but I now had a limb down my throat. Somehow I could still breath, but the thick writhing shaft of the limb seemed to go down deep into me.

Smaller feelers around my arsehole entered me now, gently at first, but becoming more determined. More and more limbs seemed to invade my body, stretching every orifice, slowly increasing the number of feelers and rubbing insistently against parts of my body that seemed to enjoy the attention considerably. My heart was pounding with the prolonged arousal, as my body became totally subject to the creature’s will.

By now I was in a state of near oblivion. I had gone through the phases of crushing ecstasy, and was now sailing like a bird through the clouds, but vaguely I became aware of other limbs that came out of the creature. They were even thicker than the others, which were just to prepare my body to receive these. They thrust powerfully into my body, all three orifices at the same time. It was almost as though they all met in my middle. I could feel these move in and out of my body, surrounded by other smaller limbs. They started to pulse, and I could feel them spurt into me.

Bulges appeared on the limbs and they ran along the shaft until I could feel it go into me. I knew something had been inserted into me, several somethings. My belly swelled with all that was being pumped into it. Eventually the creature must have realised that I could take no more, and it laid me on the ground. Agnes came forward, dismissed the creature, and knelt next to me.

“Can you get up?” I gurgled something in reply, which Agnes took as assent, and she pulled me up to a sitting position. Immediately I started to heave, and Agnes quickly got a bucket. I emptied my stomach into the bucket, and was surprised to see strange glistening orbs, like frog’s eggs, in a strange white fluid.

“Good girl!” she said. “Come on, you need to get rid of all of it.” Agnes managed to get me to a squatting position, and I could bear down to push out all of the creature’s eggs. Gleefully she started counting them as I sat on the cold stone floor in a pool of whatever fluid it was that the creature had pumped into me, still throbbing from the experience.

“What are you going to do with them?” I asked weakly.

“Oh these are very, very powerful magic. There is a lot we will be able to do with these, although first, I will fry some up for breakfast.

Surprisingly I still had something in my stomach to throw up.



Bellisima Madrigale
Exceptional Erotica

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!