Erotic sex art by Samarel Eros

Thirty Floors High, fucking at last!

You notice I wear no panties as I cross my legs. You are elegantly dressed in a dark, perfectly tailored Italian suit and crisp tone-on-tone shirt and tie.

Hm Samarel
Exceptional Erotica
6 min readJul 16, 2024


Your secretary leads me into your office and closes the door behind me after you tell her you wish not to be disturbed. The office is a resplendent, 16th-floor, opulently decorated one with one wall of solid floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking downtown and its’ other high-rises. I am wearing a short black skirt with a matching blazer, a fairly transparent off-white blouse, a see-through off-white lace bra, and, of course, heels. My jacket is unbuttoned; when I move just so, you can see my nipples through the blouse and bra.

When I take your invitation to sit across from you, you notice I wear no panties as I cross my legs. You are elegantly dressed in a dark, perfectly tailored Italian suit and crisp tone-on-tone shirt and tie. You are wearing a heavenly and expensive cologne that made my nipples hard as soon as I walked through the door. You seat yourself behind your desk, and we begin to discuss my resume. We look each other in the eyes as we talk, and there is no doubt about the mutual attraction. I stand and walk around to your side of the desk, bending over next to you to point out something on my resume, giving you an opportunity to get a glance down my blouse.

You pretend to examine my resume and then stand up. I give you no leeway to give you extra personal space. Your chest brushes mine as you stand. You look me in the eyes, gently but firmly envelope my jawbones in your hands, and give me a deep, passionate, get-your-dick hard kiss. Your hands move to the back of my head as you kiss me harder and deeper and pull my mouth to yours. I feel your cock strong and hard, and I’m not even that close yet. As I make a move to touch it, you take my wrists and put them behind my back, holding them both there with one big masculine hand. You move me backwards and seat me on the edge of your desk in front of your leather captain’s chair as you sit down, all the while still lip-locked. You begin to caress my inner thighs, slowly moving up.

You play around the very top, where my pussy meets my thigh, slowly, deliberately teasing me. You barely touch my pussy lips with your fingertips and then start kissing my inner thighs, licking and kissing and tonguing your way to the top—never touching my pussy but getting so very close. I feel your hot breath on my lips and am starting to tremble in anticipation of your touching them when you finally, gently, painfully, slowly, and deliberately start to lick the outer edges.

My skirt is hiked up now, and I’m spreading my legs in your face as I’m spread-eagled on your desk, watching your beautiful mouth start to devour my cunt as your hands grasp my inner thighs. Then, you insert your middle finger in my pussy as you expertly lick and suck. My juices are flowing down my ass and onto your desk. You push me back so I’m lying down flat on my back, and I have to bite my hand to stifle my moans so your secretary won’t hear them. Now you have your middle finger inside me, your mouth on my clit and you insert your pinkie into my asshole.

As I lay back in ecstasy, I look through the big window — is that a man I see across the way in the building across the street? I’m sure he’s watching, but you don’t seem concerned, and neither am I. Your mouth and hands are terrorizing my pussy and just as I’m about to cum you pull me up into your lap, facing you. I’m breathless and hot, and you kiss me some more as I straddle your lap now. I feel your cock so hard, I’m dying to touch it, see it, lick it, and suck it. You unbutton my blouse and lift my bra up over my tits, which are now hard and the nipples and areolas dark with all the blood that’s flowed into them. Both your hands and mine are on them now as you admire them and start to lick and suck like you haven’t eaten in days.

I squirm and grind on top of you and reach down to unzip your slacks, but again, you grab my wrists and hold them behind my back with one hand as the other continues to squeeze my tits as your mouth ravishes my nipples. It’s nearly impossible for me to contain my moans and groans, but in between mouthfuls, you tell me to be quiet. I am leaving a wet spot on your pants.

Suddenly, you stand and pull me up with you by my wrists. With them still behind my back, you march me over to the window and lean me up against it. I am a sight for the guy across the way, and God knows who else; skirt up around my waist, blouse and jacket open, bra under my chin, while you are still all put together in your exquisite suit. Still holding my wrists, you drop to your knees behind me and start eating my pussy and ass from behind. My tits are pressed against the window, as are my cheeks, and my hot breath makes a foggy spot on the glass. You lick and suck until I think I’m about to faint, and I want you to fuck me before I do.

I ask you, please fuck me now. No reply, but more furious licking. I ask again: you grip my wrists tighter and suck harder. I beg you fuck me, please fuck me. Please fuck me. Please fuck me. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me. Just when I think I can take no more and will surely pass out from pleasure, you release my wrists, stand, and unzip your fly. Your beautifully tailored pants fall to the floor in a puddle, and I brace myself with my palms against the window for what I know I’m going to finally get.

But you’re still in teasing mode. You slide and rub your cock all around my lips and ass, taking your time and massaging my ass with your hands. Your cock is so hard that it moves where you want it to on it’s own. You get me back to begging you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me and fuck me hard, and I know it will be the most erotic and mind-boggling fuck I’ve ever had. Finally, just when I really think I can take no more of this extended near-orgasm, you place your hands on my hips and slide that beautiful dick in—slowly at first to really make me crazy.

Excruciatingly slow, you go deeper and a little faster with each stroke until, finally, yes sir, we are fucking. Your hands move all over my body, from my ass to my tits to around my throat, as you twist my head to kiss my mouth. This is easily the best sex I’ve ever experienced, and the guy across the street is enjoying himself immensely too.

I’m holding myself up against the window with one hand as the other is fingering my clit- your hands wrapped in my hair as you pull my head back to kiss me. It doesn’t take much of this for us both to cum- I can feel your hot seed spurt inside me as I tell you I’m coming. — the words are barely recognizable as our lips and tongues are entwined. We stay that way, your cock inside me, your chin on my shoulder, and watch the stars dissipate from our vision as the cityscape slowly comes back into clear view.

So maybe it was not a real job interview, but the job I did get is more important anyway.



Hm Samarel
Exceptional Erotica

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: