Crouching half naked sexy woman with long hair wearing high heels, thong and hat viewed from behind
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Veronica’s awakening: The older is better — part 2

Unexpected encounter in the public bathroom during vacation have unforeseen consequences

Exceptional Erotica
10 min readDec 9, 2023


This is part two of a five-part story. The first part is here:

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When I woke up the following morning, the very first thing I desired was to cum. But with my parents always close by, it was impossible. To quench my lust, I made excuses whenever I could to leave the beach before them and go back to the camp, where I played with myself inside the tent.

Almost every second alone, I spent masturbating, rubbing my clit, and pushing fingers inside my pussy as deep as I could. It was a high I had never experienced before. Who could have thought that fingers and wet pussy is all a girl needed to make herself happy?

The next day, after my first orgasm, I had trouble putting even one finger inside myself. But after two days, three fingers easily vanished inside my hungry vagina. I was overwhelmed with joy, as if I had accomplished something spectacular. And it was spectacular for me, because in the center of every masturbation session were the ubiquitous silver fox and his big cock companion. Three fingers stretched me just enough so I could vividly imagine that instead of them, his beautiful cock was hammering away between my widely open legs as I moan and beg for more.

Every day, I searched for him. Still, he was nowhere to be found.

The last night of our vacation, my parents took me to the carnival in the neighboring town. It was the annual so-called Celebration of the Sea. People from all over the country poured onto the streets of the old city. It was fabulous. Merchants were offering their goods every step of the way, smiling dancers were teaching tourists local dances, and the smell of exotic street foods followed us everywhere. On top of all, the carnival music was so loud that we had to yell to hear each other. My parents lagged way behind me, marveling at every stand. I was free to roam alone.

It was an ecstatic experience and a welcome distraction from my new-found obsession with sex and cocks. For a short time, I was free from the oppression of my raging hormones. But my piece of mind was short-lived. Soon after I separated from my parents, I stumbled upon him in the carnival crowd.

Everything started to fade away, and his overwhelming presence once again swept me away.

He was wearing a half-unbuttoned black shirt, gray jeans, and black shoes. I didn’t notice before how hairy his chest was. Even dormant, his cock made a prominent bulge in his pants. The hot summer night became hotter, especially between my legs.

He flirted with some young, drop-dead, gorgeous-looking girl selling seasonal flowers stacked tightly in a huge weaved basket. She giggled as he whispered something in her ear, a sly smile on his face. They looked strangely similar to my parents when my father whispered into my mother’s ear in the public bathroom.

He had a sexy smile. Too sexy. Jealousy washed over me, then, unexpectedly, tears swelled in my eyes.

My emotional reaction shocked me. There was no denying anymore that my yearnings for him were much deeper than I dared to admit to myself.

Wet pussy and wet eyes. What a lovely combination.

I had so many fantasies about meeting him accidentally somewhere, anywhere. But I never imagined something like this. I was crushed.

As he was seducing her, his eyes kept scanning the crowd. He did the same when he stormed out of the showers. Fucker has already searched for the next victim. And why shouldn’t he? Someone like him could have any woman he wanted. It was just a matter of time before he looked in my direction. I just hoped he would read contempt in my eyes.

Finally, his gaze swiftly swept over me and continued. Then it abruptly stopped and quickly returned to me. The genuine grin of recognition stretched his square, manly jaw and revealed perfect white teeth. He reminded me for a brief moment of Alice’s Cheshire cat. My knees buckled under me.

I never thought he would even notice me, let alone that I would become the center of his attention.

The girl he was seducing followed his gaze, and now they were both looking at me. She wasn’t much older than me. Her eyes would have burned me to ash if they could. She elbowed him gently in the ribs in a feeble attempt to make him interested again. He just waved in her direction with the back of his hand, nonchalantly, like you would do with an annoying fly. All the while, his eyes never left mine.

I stopped breathing, unable to avert my eyes from his. Maybe it was just a second or two, but it felt like minutes. The flower girl left, but his smile stayed. He devoured me with his eyes, not even trying to hide what he was interested in. He openly ogled every part of my body: my face, big tits, narrow waist, wide hips, long legs, all the way to my high heels. Warmth coursed through my body in the wake of his lusty gaze. By every moment past, I was getting hornier. I finally smiled back at him, squirming shyly, my whole body lightly trembling from arousal. Then my eyes moved down to his crotch and stayed there for a couple of seconds before I looked back at his face and suggestively licked my meaty mouth, smiling all the time.

There you go. We had sent each other an open invitation for sex without saying a word.

It’s your turn now, Daddy.

If he was surprised by my directness, he didn’t show it at all. With the same hand with which he dismissed the flower girl, he gestured for me to come closer.

Is this really happening?

My heart pounded from a sudden rush of adrenaline. It was now or never. I began slowly walking toward him. Lusty thoughts swirled in my mind. My pussy lips wetly kissed each other as I moved. I was already imagining his cock in my hands, in my pussy, my wildest fantasies fulfilled. After total emotional despair, the simple gesture of his hand brought all my hopes and desires back with new strength, like a huge wave that threatened to swallow me whole.

Only a couple of seconds more, and I will be by his side.

Suddenly, he turned around and slowly walked away. The carnival crowd instantly closed behind him.

What? No. No!

It was surreal. Like in those dreams when you run after something you want really badly, but the moment before you can reach it, you wake up.

Furious, I dashed after him. I couldn’t let him out of my sight. I pushed my way through the throng, people cursing me, and I cursed back, truly mad because of this foolish game of cat-and-mouse.

My parents stayed back somewhere in the sweaty, intoxicating carnival crowd, forgotten, like I never had them.

When I finally managed to get rid of the people, it was too late.

I lost him.

Why did he watch me that way if he didn’t want to fuck me? What kind of twisted game was this?

Euphoria faded away fast, and bitter disappointment replaced it. I was getting tired of this emotional rollercoaster. Still, probably to torture myself some more, I kept aimlessly walking in the direction he might have gone.

Soon, I reached a dead end. The only way forward was to go right, through some creepy-looking back alley, without even one working street light. Could he have gone that way? But there was nothing there but utter darkness. The noise of the carnival could still be heard, but it faded away almost to a whisper.

It was time for me to get back to my parents. Back to the safety of the herd.

I turned around. Then I stopped. A faint light was coming from far away down that alley.

Maybe he went there after all.

And he owed me an explanation.

Be brave, Veronica.

I quietly entered the dark alley and stopped, waiting for my eyes to adjust. As my pupils widened, the contours of the buildings started to appear. I made a couple of more steps when shapes appeared along the walls and all the way down the alley. Mingling. Moving. Like wriggling giant worms.

The irrational fear made my skin crawl. I started to back away, my eyes fixed unblinkingly on the threatening motions. I dug in my tiny purse for the small knife I always carried with me. Then I suddenly stopped and allowed myself to breathe again. There was nothing to fear.

Couples. Touching, kissing, maybe even fucking.

So this was the famous Lovers Alley.

Could he be here? Luring me in like a hungry spider? A glimmer of hope returned. Even the smallest chance that he was somewhere in the dark made me aroused again. I imagined him as a hairy, six-legged insect grabbing me from behind and dragging me into his web, a huge cock twitching from his hairy body, getting stiffer as he lifted me up to his lair.

Deeper down the alley, a woman was cumming hard. I knew those moans as if they were mine. What would I have done in that moment to be pinned to the wall by his strong hands—to see his body looming over me while his cock grows in my hands, like a mushroom in the rain?

I was alone in the middle of the sex lair, yearning for him, while sounds of lust attacked me from all sides. It was unbearable. I had somehow to release the tension that had built up in me.

The sky over me was lit with millions of stars as I closed my eyes, lifted my feather-light summer dress, and swiftly pulled my pants down to my knees. Holding my dress up to my waist with one hand, I brushed over my pussy with the other. It returned, dripping with wetness. For days, I was wet all the time, no matter how much I masturbated.

I licked my own juices from my fingers, oblivious to everything except the growing hotness between my thighs. I loved the taste of my juices. My hand immediately went back for more, but this time I couldn’t resist plunging two fingers all the way into my pussy. I whimpered as the warmth spread to my stomach and down my long legs. Holding my fingers in one place, I began moving my hips back and forth, imagining his cock was fucking me. I moaned loudly, rapidly losing myself in the fantasy. In Lovers Alley, no one would pay attention to one more woman getting what she wanted, or at least a fraction of it.

“Beautiful,” came the voice from somewhere close. I gasped and scrambled to pull my pants up as fast as I could. My purse fell from my shoulder and hit the ground.

The stranger emerged from the pitch-dark alcove of one of the buildings, a couple of feet away from me. The gray cloud followed him. When the glow from the cigarette ember lit up his face, I sighed in relief. It was him.

“You fucking asshole,“ I couldn’t help myself.

He laughed wholeheartedly, spreading his hands in an apology. “Don’t be mad. I had to be sure you really wanted me.”

“And what would have happened if I didn’t find you?”

“I would have looked for you. I was ready to go back when I saw you at the beginning of the alley. So I waited, curious to see what you would do.”

His voice was deep and seductive. My whole body was tingling from excitement. I had to have him, no matter what.

“And I have to say you...

I began to undress.

really didn’t…

It took me no more than three seconds to take off my pants and my dress and throw them on the cobblestones.

…dissapoint me.”

I was standing stark naked in front of him, only in my high heels. He gawked at my body, speechless. The cigarette fell from his hand. He didn't try to pick it up. He probably didn’t even notice it wasn’t in his hand anymore.

My high heels click-clacked on the cobblestone as I moved really close to him. So close that my big puffy nipples touched his hairy chest and immediately became hard as diamonds. The shock of touching him for the first time made my whole body shudder in anticipation. His perfume was intoxicating, and my mouth was so close to his that I could breath him in. My glazed eyes were glued to his as both of my hands slid down to his crotch and squeezed the meat mountain hiding there. He was hard—and swiftly getting harder.

He opened his mouth slightly and tried to kiss me.

"No!" I said, moving my head away.

Instead, I fell down on my knees in front of him, my hands glued to the bulge in his pants, which madly throbbed and pushed against the fabric. My mouth was dry, and my breathing was so shallow and fast that I could hardly talk. Still, I managed to utter the words that bluntly summarized all my desires from the first moment we met.

“Give me your magnificent cock. Please.”

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Veronica Veer
Exceptional Erotica

Obsessed with all kinds of kinky sex. Turning my wildest fantasies into stories. Write me at