Magnificent Day At The Museum

A Travel Story

Joel R. Dennstedt
Exceptional Journeys
3 min readApr 1, 2024


Image by Stephen F. Dennstedt

Sometimes, when you travel, neat things seem to materialize before you suddenly. Such is the case when we walk outside our new lodgings in Aberdeen, Scotland, turn left, go down a little hill, and see The Aberdeen Maritime Museum before us. You’ll take it as a sign if you’re smart, experienced, or lucky. Sometimes, the world wants to present itself to you. Just so you know, the correct response to any such invitation is to accept.

Steve and I walk across the street and enter the museum. The admission price is free. We decide to lose ourselves in exploration. The museum turns out to be so fascinating that it is only a short time before we return.

Image by Stephen F. Dennstedt

This scale model rises through several museum floors to provide the scope that an oil rig and well share with icebergs. It also suggests the scope of the museum. As with so many unplanned explorations, we get a little lost inside the building. No matter. Like all explorations, what you stumble on next provides the interest and adventure.

