The FAQ book: No Explanation Required, Carol Sankar

Book #1 : Commonly known, yet frequently ignored advice.

Excerpts & Bits
3 min readJul 29, 2024


Tips you cannot do without. Credits: Amazon

Imagine you’re a woman working in a male-dominated environment and rarely see other women in leadership roles. You create a mentorship program for both men and women but notice women tend to drop out of building businesses faster than their male counterparts. Upon investigating, you discover the key element they’re missing: confidence.

This is the essence of Carol Sankar’s book. No Explanation Required!

The book addresses the barriers women face in climbing the corporate ladder and is literally a practical roadmap to help women cultivate self-assurance, overcome gender biases, and achieve their full potential. Through a combination of personal anecdotes and evidence-based strategies, Sankar empowers women to own their narrative, command respect, and break through glass ceilings.

While its worth holding the copy in hand, some actionable tips that Carol shares in her book, while you add it to your cart:

1. Use PRIDE for bragging, judicious bragging

  • Positive self-talk: Frame your achievements positively.
  • Reviews: Leverage client feedback to highlight successes.
  • I statements: Use “I” instead of “we” to assert ownership.
  • Data: Quantify achievements to build credibility.
  • Equilibrium: Find balanced moments to share accomplishments.

2. Do not apologise OFTEN

  • Be Assertive and Direct: Shake off the need for validation, stop smiling through frustrations, and transition from being nice to assertive. Get right to the point without apologetic lead-ins, and change apologies to expressions of gratitude.
  • Manage Emotions: If angry or highly emotional, avoid sharing an immediate reply. Take time to cool down and respond thoughtfully.
  • Keep It Simple: Avoid offering explanations unless asked. Don’t use unnecessary pronouns, and remember the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
  • Avoid Oversharing: Personal details can distract or overshare. Focus on the essentials to maintain clarity and professionalism.

3. Pitch an Idea in 8 mins

  • First 2 mins: Intention, promise and desired takeaway
  • Next 2 mins: Evidence for the claims.
  • Next 2 mins: Why you’re uniquely qualified to deliver.
  • Last 2 mins: Articulate a clear ask, offer, or request.

4. Understand and embody 1 trait: CONFIDENCE

  • Confidence means being able to reject offers that undervalue oneself. Women often take information but do not take action.
  • To be successful, one needs confidence, mentors, and honest peers. Ensure you have at least one person who likes you, one who challenges you, one who tells the truth, and one who supports you.

How to use this book in your daily life?

Key Idea #1: Master the PRIDE Framework:

Apply the PRIDE framework when interviewing or adding data to your performance notes. Once documented, it becomes easier to discuss your achievements during performance reviews or 1:1 meetings.

Key Idea #2: Break Free from Apologies:

Before saying “sorry,” take a moment to reflect. Track the number of apologies you make in meetings and review your last 10 emails for unnecessary apologies.
Instead of “Sorry for being on leave,” say “Thank you for sharing the ask, here you go.” Instead of “Sorry for not responding during lunch,” say “Thank you for your patience while I was having lunch.”

Key Idea #3: Use 8 mins to prep on the idea.

Before sharing the idea — ensure you have seen the template. One slide / 2 sentences are good for each of the 2 mins allotted. Eventually 4 slides/ 8 -10 sentences are good to go.

  • First 2 minutes: Introduce the intention and desired outcomes.
  • Next 2 minutes: Present evidence and data supporting the idea.
  • Next 2 minutes: Explain why you are uniquely qualified.
  • Last 2 minutes: Make a clear request or offer.

Key Idea #4: Build Your Support Network:

  • Identify your support team: Assess your current relationships and identify individuals who fulfill the roles of supporter, challenger, truth-teller, and admirer.
  • Nurture these relationships: Invest time in building and maintaining strong connections with your support network.

.That’s all folks.

Overall rating on actionability : 4/5.

Quite actionable strategies with examples and easy to follow narrative and templates.



Excerpts & Bits

Thankyou for reading. Sharing stories and thoughts as I am learning in life. Publication ( for job hunting & interview tips.