Conceal your intentions. The 48 laws of power by Robert Greene.

Reading to Learn
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

3G network was introduced to India in 2008. But very few people only used it because it was expensive and most people rely on 2G data. People whoever used 3G data had to spend more money on less amount of data. 1GB of 3G data was sold for around Rs.700 per month. This was continued till 2016.

There lived a boy who is very famous for his stupidity and ignorance. One day his uncle visited his house and wanted to change his behaviour. He called the boy and placed one gold coin and one silver coin in front of him and told him to pick the one he likes. The boy picked up the silver coin. The uncle laughed and said to him that the gold coin is valuable than silver so he should pick a gold coin. The next day the uncle placed 2 coins again and asked the boy to choose. This time also he picked the silver coin. His uncle got frustrated with the boy and shouted at him.

In September 2016, Reliance launched the 4G network in India and offered high-speed internet with free calls for a very cheap price. This made a huge difference. Lots of people started using smartphones and India become number one in mobile broadband usage. Now the mobile data is extremely cheap.

After few months, the uncle visited the boys home and placed 2 coins and hoping that this time he will pick the gold coin. But the boy went for the silver coin. The uncle got angry and asked him why is it hard for him to understand that gold is valuable than silver.The boy politely replied; Uncle, I know that the gold coin is valuable than silver coin. If I picked the gold coin in the first time itself then you would not have told others that I don’t know the difference between silver and gold and others wouldn’t try it with me. See now I got lots of silver coin which is definitely worth than a single gold coin. He also showed the big box full of silver coins.

Most people are open books. They constantly reveal their plans and intentions. But in the above cases, the others didn’t have a clue about what was their motive or business plan. Competitors of reliance didn’t even have time to think or plan and pushed to reduce their prices.

Robert Greene wrote the book “48 laws of power” in 1998. The laws mentioned in the book are brutal and unethical. But clearly its a reflection of those who are in high power and wants to remain in power. The Book is a must-read for anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur and you can get it from Amazon.

