Know who you’re dealing with — Do not offend the wrong person. The 48 laws of power by Robert Greene.

Reading to Learn
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2019
Michael S. Dell. CEO of Dell

On October 1997 at ITXpo97 in Orland, Michael Dell, CEO of Dell computers answered for what he would do to save the company Apple if he were a CEO of Apple.

What would I do? I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders.

It was a public insult. At that time Apple was struggling and almost doomed. Steve Jobs was back to Apple and appointed as interim CEO. The comments from Michael Dell offended Jobs.

Jobs didn’t stop it there. When Apple introduced mac laptops, He even slammed dell products on stage by comparing with Apple products.

There are many different kinds of people in the world, and you can never assume that everyone will react to your strategies in the same way. Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge. They are wolves in lambs’ clothing. Choose your victims and opponents carefully, then never of fend or deceive the wrong person. — Robert Greene

Robert Greene wrote the book “48 laws of power” in 1998. The laws mentioned in the book are brutal and unethical. But clearly its a reflection of those who are in high power and wants to remain in power. The Book is a must-read for anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur and you can get it from Amazon.

