So much depends on reputation — Guard it with your life. The 48 laws of power by Robert Greene.

Reading to Learn
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2019
Nokia 1100. One of the best selling basic phone ever.

In the 1990s, Nokia phones are widely used and globally one of the (arguably the only one) most trusted cellphones. In mid of the 2000s, the world is moving slowly to the smartphone era.

Apple found out that smartphones are the future and started investing in them and they come up with the iPhone. Google followed a different path by developing its own operating system known as “Android”. In the meantime, Samsung entered into the smartphone market. Instead of using their own operating system, they used Android.

A Mine Full of Diamonds and Rubies. You dug for it, you found it, and your wealth is now assured. Guard it with your life. Robbers and thieves will appear from all sides. Never take your wealth for granted, and constantly renew it — time will diminish the jewels’ luster, and bury them from sight.

Nokia didn’t realize that and they stick with their own operating system “Symbian” also their smartphones were not as good as iPhone or Android smartphones. Nokia slowly losing its market on smartphones.

The Nokia CEO was crying at the conference when NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft.

Nokia was lost and their reputation is completely gone. Microsoft bought Nokia in 2015 hoping that the deal would help Microsoft to move on the Mobile Phone market. During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, the Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”. He is half right. They lost because they didn’t do anything at all.

Reputation is the cornerstone of power. Through reputation alone you can intimidate and win; once it slips, however, you are vulnerable, and will be attacked on all sides. Make your reputation unassailable. — Robert Greene

Robert Greene wrote the book “48 laws of power” in 1998. The laws mentioned in the book are brutal and unethical. But clearly its a reflection of those who are in high power and wants to remain in power. The Book is a must-read for anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur and you can get it from Amazon.

