Dog Days On The Beach

Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2023


“Come on Donut, walk with mama!”

The beach is gorgeous today. The sky has decided to show off and I’m not mad about it. The sun can burn me all it wants. This feels like touching God’s face with my bare hands.

“Donut, No!”

She’s pulling me towards the water in furious excitement. She’s a Portuguese Water Dog after all. We have a glorious time swimming. With today’s scattered white powder clouds in the blue sky it’s destined to be a delight. She’s loads of fun with a very cheeky disposition that makes me laugh every single day. Some might say that’s more laughter than they get from their partner in the same 24 hours. Alas, where would the world be without dogs?

“Ok, ok, hold on Donut, let me put our things under the tree first”

She’s whining and barking for me to hurry up.

It’s always the same with her. She’s bossy.

With little to no resistance she’s turned me forever into a dog lover. I don’t know when it happened. I always planned that when I got a dog to never refer to it as my child. As a child of the Caribbean I was taught how to judge these sort of things. We grew up hearing:

A dog is a dog, not a person. A dog is for outside!



Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!