Midge Contemplates A Laugh Circle

Errand encounters — Short Story

Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life
4 min readAug 22, 2023


Midge in the middle of a laugh circle

Midge has been adjusting since her husband died in May. To cope with his loss she’s been smoking copious amounts of weed daily. Yesterday when she commented on the beautiful flower blooming on her neighbor’s tree he replied,

“Yea I smoke it!”

She smiled and replied,

“Well, that explains a lot!”

She wasn’t a fan of being put on the spot but she really didn’t care for her neighbor of 20 years indirectly commenting on her smoking. At 70 the one thing she couldn’t stand was judgemental people. Not to mention, he smokes cigarettes all the time.

As she drove off, she whistled and gave him the finger, with a smile she added,

“Bye Bob, see you later”

She put on her heart shaped sunglasses that she upgraded by gluing two red bow ties to the frame. For today’s outfit she wore, black capris with a black and white striped sleeve top and black Kenkoh sandals.

Thank God she has to eat because if it weren’t for food she wouldn’t leave the house at all some days. On her walk through the parking lot a little girl noticed her glasses and surprised her by saying “I like your glasses.” At this age it’s a wonder to be noticed at all, much less by a little girl. She probably loves fashion.

Her friend Sonya invited her to a “Laugh Circle” later and she was undecided. The concept of people standing in a circle laughing in the community garden sounded nuts. As a former social worker she’s always encouraged herself to find balance. If she was being honest, her home had lost it’s laughter since Dan died. Maybe it was time to generate laughter from a different source.

She hadn’t realized she was staring at the navel oranges in the front of the store when she heard,

“They’re really good, I bought a bag last week and I’m back for more again, hopefully they’re just as good. Sometimes you know you get a different batch and the taste just lets you down. Are you gonna get a bag?”

“Well it sounds like I should” She picked up the bag and smiled in the direction of the lady. “Thanks for the recommendation, have a nice day!”

She walked through the aisles filling her cart with the usual. Sourdough bread, cheddar cheese, danish cookies, triple chocolate cake, frozen pizza, a few frozen meals, orange juice, greek yogurt and her novelty bag of navel oranges. She’d always enjoyed cooking when the mood strikes but the mood hasn’t struck her in a long while. She knows she has to do more to be social but just thinking about being around people makes her quiver.

Her friends are still meeting up every week and rotating dinner which she knows she’ll have to resume soon. Next week perhaps.

“I love the sourdough bread here, nice choice” said the cashier.

“Oh yes, it’s pretty good, I come for it every week. I used to make it back in the day but this is just as good, how’s your day going so far, busy?” Midge asked.

“No, just a steady stream so nothing too hectic” replied the cashier.

“What time do you get in?” Midge asked inquisitively.

“Oh I’m up at the crack a dawn, I have to get my kids ready for school, pack the lunches so they’re all set for their dad before I leave, so this is a breeze!”

“I don’t know what the world would become without women, don’t make it look too easy now!”

The cashier laughed and that made Midge smile. She glanced at her name tag pinned to her blouse.

“Thank you Natasha, have a lovely day!” Midge said as she walked out with her bags.

It felt nice to smile from the heart in the mini interaction. She turned her wrist to see the time, it was now 9:12am. The Laugh Circle started at 10am and it was 5 minutes from her house. She could make it in plenty time so she agreed in herself, she’d go laugh without a joke or a good reason, in a circle of strangers.

She’ll definitely smoke first, then walk over and laugh. Besides, who would do such a thing sober anyway. Seems like a high thing to do.



Tricia Small
Excerpts of a life

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!